CDC says you should isolate until all fever is gone, and then for some extra time. It makes sense to do so at the hospital, although he might not. I think we can be sure CNN will bang on about how dangerous it is if he returned to the white house with a fever.
I predict he will keep looking and feeling pretty well. That this will be more or less like a flu. That all the alarmist talk and guesswork on twitter, trying to guess what this or that drug means and drum up a scenario where Trump has to be 25th amended, is false.
It is an easy prediction to make. it is just assuming everything stays the same.
you are watering down all the guesswork you have posted about drugs and so on to mean he stays isolated for a week, which is in my experience in the low range for how long a normal flu/cold lasts. I have better things to do than argue whether that prediction is brave or not.
Let's leave it here and see if there are more rallies/debates/public appearances (there surely will be).