That said, I'm still not sure why they bought MORE property. They have a TON of unused land in Wallkill and Patterson.
They may turn on a "new light", that "ancient worthies" prefer a land for cattle, not Californian mansions...
i have two questions about warwick.
see the picture included.
1) at the other side of the lake you see other buildings.
That said, I'm still not sure why they bought MORE property. They have a TON of unused land in Wallkill and Patterson.
They may turn on a "new light", that "ancient worthies" prefer a land for cattle, not Californian mansions...
as someone who has tried to fade on various occasions, i always end up attending meetings!
why is this the case you may ask?.
if i was single, i would have kissed this high control american religion goodbye many years ago.
My elderly mom often say that meetings are her only opportunity to dress up, put some makeup, to see and to be seen and she always invites me with words: don't let people forget you - our cong is a social club to her, she is not interested in religious aspects for a long time. I noticed the same thing with younger JW (I mean below 60y), you simply have no one to talk about anything a little more seriously - you can talk about sports, cars, smartphones, shopping opportunities, and that's it. Religious topics - only a basic ones, on low-level. Fading away, I found more 'wordly people' with whom I had interesting chats, advanced religious thoughts and learn something new, than ever in JW cong. Sad but true.
l don't visit very often now , but l wanted to drop in to wish all you folks a merry christmas and happy new year .
as l cannot find a thread already started for this l have started one !
in the immortal words of chuck berry ( l think ) " come on everybody " join in wishing your fellow posters a merry christmas , happy holidays etc .
For those who still don't celebrate xmas:
HAPPY FESTIVUS! for the Rest of Us! :)
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
Your original question was: "Looking at wt's charts, when does the anointed generation pass away?" Original chart in David Splane presentation doesn't said that exactly, so I just proposed an answer (not a dishonest forgery) - I assumed that we are looking the same original chart and my alterations is more than obvious - my mistake, I should emphasize them. If you think it needed, feel free to report.
i think all of us on this forum would like to welcome all the newbies that have joined in the last six months or so ,if i`m not mistaken there seems to be an influx lately.. elders , ms ,and sisters.
speak up and make a comment , are you happy you came here ?.
we`d love to here from you.. smiddy.
Thank you all! I lurked here for years from time to time, and finally I signed up. I'm learning English by myself, so excuse me if I sound funny or difficult to understand. My story is common, JW since childhood, was devoted for decades, prosperous MS, etc, first red bulb start at mid of 1990' with "generation" issue, but finally nail in the coffin was UN - NGO affair at 2001. Less affair by it self, but more respond on it. After that I started evaluating my personal belives and what WT really teach, from scratch, with clean glasses, and, to make long story short, here I am!
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
I would add, (if I understood correctly) that "This Generation" (on the original chart, forget mine) shows moments of their anointment, not their life span, and hatched area shows overlapping period of their anointment, not their life span, and right arrow shows the time soon after 1992 - assumed moment of the anointment of the last member of "This Generation" (that's why my chart is wrong). Those who are anointed after that period are not members of "This Generation".
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
Sorry if I made a confusion here (my bad) I altered chart from David Splane presentation to fit what we are talk about. Original chart is posted above, with David Splane, I simply added nubmer 2034 and extended arrow till "great tribulation". I meant it is obvious, sorry again!
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
This chart?
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
On Topic: Jesus talk is an answer to question 24:3 about "the conclusion of the system of things". Before that, Jesus said about their temple "by no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and not be thrown down." So, "system of things" in the question could be just the Jewish system of things, nothing more. But Jesus's answer could involve more than that.
Btw, WT could emphasize Mt. 24:37-39, and add 120y to 1914 and make a new deadline in 2034, i wouldn't be surprised.
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
From the outset the anointed generation idea, even if David liked it , is wrong. And The wt explainers like Splane with their charts know it, their faces, if you know them, show it, I feel sorry for them.
Sorry if i'm offtopic again, but you just remind me to my last chat with one elder who asked me: name just a one thing which you think is not right in our current teaching. Ok, I said, a simple thing: when a baby becomes alive? In the moment of conception? in the moment of birth? or in the meantime? He said: in the moment of conception, of course! Why then, David Splane, member of the GB, in his talk about overlap generations said that baby was not alive 10 minutes before it's birth? He said, let's check! and he watched at least ten times that part of video with WTF???!!! expresion on his face.