Posts by btlc
2520-607 = 1913
by schnell ini love math, i love calendars, and somehow, this always gets me.. 2520 - 607 = 1913. not 1914.. 2520 - 606 = 1914. from what i understand, russell realized this.
he had previously used 606 bc, of course, but then he switched it to 607 bc.
i know there was something about no zero year, so it actually should be less one, correct?.
2520-607 = 1913
by schnell ini love math, i love calendars, and somehow, this always gets me.. 2520 - 607 = 1913. not 1914.. 2520 - 606 = 1914. from what i understand, russell realized this.
he had previously used 606 bc, of course, but then he switched it to 607 bc.
i know there was something about no zero year, so it actually should be less one, correct?.
CT Russell about zero-year in The Watchtower 01.12.1912:
2520-607 = 1913
by schnell ini love math, i love calendars, and somehow, this always gets me.. 2520 - 607 = 1913. not 1914.. 2520 - 606 = 1914. from what i understand, russell realized this.
he had previously used 606 bc, of course, but then he switched it to 607 bc.
i know there was something about no zero year, so it actually should be less one, correct?.
schnell: From what I understand, Russell realized this. He had previously used 606 BC, of course, but then he switched it to 607 BC.
wrong, CT Russell never spoke about 607 BCE, not even Rutherford, their number was 606 BCE. The first mention of 607 BCE was soon after Rutherford's death, in the 1943. book "The Truth Shall Make You Free", page 239.
April 2017 Study Watchtower encourages you to defy The Society !
by BluesBrother inat least, that is how i see it... the article "the judge of all the earth always does what is right".
paragraph 6 & 7 .
6 consider the experience of willi diehl.
Good point, Crazyguy, disfellowshipping started in 1952, Willi mixed something...
April 2017 Study Watchtower encourages you to defy The Society !
by BluesBrother inat least, that is how i see it... the article "the judge of all the earth always does what is right".
paragraph 6 & 7 .
6 consider the experience of willi diehl.
Thx for sharing! A fine example, I collected a few more from recent WT editions, it shows how an arbitrary rules governing lives of rank and file members:
Melba Barry: In 1940, Lloyd’s mother visited Australia, and Lloyd told her that we were thinking of marriage. She advised him against it because the end of the system of things seemed imminent. (Matthew 24:3-14) He also mentioned his intentions to his buddies, but each time, they talked him out of getting married. Finally, one day in February 1942, Lloyd quietly took me—along with four Witnesses who had been sworn to secrecy—to the registry office, and we got married. There was no provision then in Australia for Jehovah’s Witnesses to perform marriages. (w 01.04.2001 pg 26)
Robert Nisbet: In 1950, George and I were invited to attend the 16th class of Gilead. It was here that I first met Jean Hyde, a fine Australian sister who was assigned to missionary work in Japan after we both graduated. Singleness was still very much in vogue at that time, so our friendship did not then develop any further. (w 01.04.2003 pg 30)
Audrey Hyde: Since the 1920’s, Bethelites who desired to marry had been required to leave Bethel and serve Kingdom interests elsewhere. But in the early 1950’s, a few couples who had served at Bethel for some time were allowed to marry and stay. So when Nathan H. Knorr, who at the time was taking the lead in the worldwide Kingdom work, showed an interest in me, I thought, ‘Now, here is someone who will stay!’ (w 01.07.2004 pg 26)
So, when the big kahuna decided to not take the Revelation 14:4 literally, marriage suddenly become popular:
My life as a traveling minister was soon to change after I met Karin, a wonderful young woman. Both of us were invited to attend the international convention at Yankee Stadium, New York City, in July 1953. There, between sessions on Monday the 20th, Milton Henschel performed our wedding. (w 01.12.2007 pg 16)
the-question (607 BCE explained and proved)
by pleaseresearch inso a user named "the-question" said the jw's were right about 607 bce.. this is your chance brother to prove us all wrong.. we all can't wait to hear from you :).
Even WT Bible, NWT, point to 587 BCE as time of Jerusalem fall. How? Open book of Zechariah:
1:7, 12: the second year of Darius, the foreseen "70 years" still ongoing
7:1-5: the fourth year of Darius, "70 years" just finished.
Now, turn page 1662 (2013 Edition), Zachariah, writing completed 518. BCE, time covered 520-518 BCE. So, by the WT own Bible appendix, "70 years" was 587-518 BCE. -
Absolute moral standards and fiction.
by The Rebel innot all beliefs are worthy of respect, but when we read a book of fiction in my mind it's easier to travel outside ourselves and our absolute moral standards.
fiction allows our imagination to be free.
i haven't read " fifty shades of grey" but i read " romeo and juliet" at school,and juliet was 13, romeo i believe was supposedly around 18 or 19.
My father destroyed a collection of "The Beatles" albums back in '70ies (among the other things) when he become JW, because they were "satanic". Now he listen the same music as "evergreens" and "classics" and "beautiful old melodies"...
Eagerly anticipating the death of billions!
by stuckinarut2 insurely someone who eagerly looks forward to the death of billions of people (including babies and children) is not emotionally healthy?.
yet, that is the key belief "happily" anticipated by witnesses.... food for thought?.
Many years ago, we had some guests, a young JW couple with a child, girl 3-4y old. We talked usuall JW crap, and they said to daughter: show how Jehovah will destroy this world. And she started to bang with the feet on the floor, like killing cockroaches - they found that amusing. I mumbled something like: is there something more appropriate to teach your child? and I got just a raised eyebrows back. Never saw them again, I wonder what grew out of that kid.
Scriptures rarely mentioned
by dothemath ina couple of examples of scriptures hardly ever quoted is 1 tim.
2:12- "i do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence".
or verse 11- "let a woman learn in silence with full submissiveness.".
Galatians, chapters 1 & 2, completely makes null and void WT fairy tales about GB of the 1st century who was supposed to control all activities, to introduce "a new lights", to appoint apostles, etc.
by pepperheart inwhat other cut backs do you think will be coming or might be coming these next few years for the borg ?.
@The Searcher: ... 2-day rallies rather than 3 days
That is mine line of thinking too. They already cutted other conventions (idk how it call on english) from 2 to 1 day. And that will be an perfect opportunity to slap faces of loyal JW once again, this time to those who had to quit or lose jobs because of free friday.