The problem with illustrations is that you can confirm anything no matter how stupid it is, if you just pick the right illustration. How that works? You have problem for which you seek a solution. And you don't solving the original problem, oh no, you simply pick completely diferent "problem" with known solution - that solution which fits your needs. After that, procedure is trivial, you just need to find or make up "connections" between original problem and the illustration, and map "the solution" from illustration to original problem, and voila, you solved the problem! Of course, that works only in JW fairy world...
Posts by btlc
Stupid Illustration
by FedUpJW inso as i sit here listening to the sunday morning bs session the elder on the stage yapped about religion and that there can only be one religion leading to god.
he used the illustration of a bicycle wheel.
it has many spokes and they all lead to the center.
1975 - JWs in other countries, not just the U.S. also knew about the prediction
by deegee ini have been wondering, if the 1975 prediction was just a rumour started by the rank & file as the wt claims, then how did jws in other countries, a part from the u.s., also come to know about the prediction?.
i started studying with the jws during the 80s when i was a child.
while attending one of my first meetings during that time, a brother commented during the wt study that armageddon did not come in 1975 because it was not known how many years after adam, eve was created.. at the time, i hadn't a clue what the guy was talking about.
Because 1975. was announced in "The Watchtower" magazines in all languages available in that time, that was the official teaching, not just a rumor.
No brain, No Life -- says JW Professor Rajesh Kalaria
by cognisonance inso continuing my review of the current bull shit my family in this cult are subjected to i found this article about professor rajesh kalaria, a jw since 1973 and a scientist who has studied the human brain for 40 years (hmm... so he converted into this cult very early in his career it seems).anyway i also found this jw broadcasting piece about him where he says:.
“and brain is what we are; what i am, what you are.
no brain, no life.
no brain, no life -- described the most of the JW i know...
btw, wasn't official WT teaching from 1970ies that the heart is the center of man's thoughts and the kidneys are the center of man's personality?
Commuter Bethelites: Now At Warwick!
by HiddlesWife ini just recently read the thread on this subject started by blueblades entitled "commuter bethelites" approximately 15 years ago.
although the program had ended in brooklyn, wallkill, etc., in around 2002, i noticed that the borg has commuters (sisters, particularly) holding this privilege of service at warwick!.
in a few previous postings which i told about my going on a recent bus trip to there, there were many single sisters used in that capacity as tour guides, cleaning the visitors' lobby and even directing traffic (two sisters had walkie-talkies, communicating to no doubt a central office, informing bus operators when to go and when to stop, when to let off their passengers, etc.).
Last few years sisters have "privilege" to serve at Regional Conventions as hostesses, welcoming at entrance, watching contribution boxes, managing info-desks, distributing convention programs and literature, and so, mainly atractive and good-looking young pieces... I asked how's that started, and CO said to me, we brothers are worth for nothing, no one wants to put on the disposal, and sisters does that much better anyway...
Monica Richardson - "[Evolution] was something I never doubted; it was taught as a scientific fact."
by cognisonance inso i found another piece in the no 4.
2017 awake attacking evolution.
wow two attacks in the same article!anyway richardson is a physician the jws are cherry picking to support the idea even intelligent people can think evolution is nonsense.
@Half banana: RC catechism is a space shuttle compared to WT bicycle study, but yes, still crap.
What happened in 1995?
by pale.emperor ini was born in 1984 so was only 9yo in 1995. i read on various posts on here and on other websites about false expectations about 1975 and 1995. i'm aware of the 1975 failure but what was said in 1995?.
What a beautiful day for service!
by StephaneLaliberte ini heard this expression very often and even said it often myself.
now that i am out, i realize this isn't always the case.
there were many times i was going out in service saturday morning and couldn't wait for 12:00 to come along so that we could go swimming, bicycling, play basket ball, go to the beach... .
Thanks for your kind words. Preaching is his life, that's him. He know lot of things we talking here, he was elder for decades, he has his ups and downs, but he don't care much about WT ("it's just a piece of paper") or GB ("these are just an imperfect people"). All he know: there is The God, there is His Word Bible, and there is The Message to preach. Nothing else matters.
What a beautiful day for service!
by StephaneLaliberte ini heard this expression very often and even said it often myself.
now that i am out, i realize this isn't always the case.
there were many times i was going out in service saturday morning and couldn't wait for 12:00 to come along so that we could go swimming, bicycling, play basket ball, go to the beach... .
He is currently in a nursing home, almost blind and can't get out of bed, but he still preaching to nurses...
What a beautiful day for service!
by StephaneLaliberte ini heard this expression very often and even said it often myself.
now that i am out, i realize this isn't always the case.
there were many times i was going out in service saturday morning and couldn't wait for 12:00 to come along so that we could go swimming, bicycling, play basket ball, go to the beach... .
As much as i know, the only man who really enjoyed field service was my father. Omg, he was never tired in the service. He was a pioneer almost forty years, he made 80+ hours per month easily. He made every occasion to preaching, whoever comes in his sight (neighboors, postman, trafficant, a random passer, etc.) had to listen "the good news". He always had two or three "field teritorries" in a pocket (idk english name for that), and at least 2-3 "bible studies" per week. More than 60 person was baptized after his "studies" during the decades.
And he was always pissed on me becouse i reported 10-15 hours, mostly spended making him company on his endless studies... oh how i hated field service, almost as much as he liked it... -
Where is the proof?
by stuckinarut2 inwe all know that the governing body claim to be "god's representatives" and the "faithful and discreet slave" that dispenses spiritual food..... but where is the proof?.
according to the bible (if we just for a moment take it as a reliable source), all of god's representatives in the past furnished proof of their appointment - not just self referential claims or statements.. for instance, moses and aaron performed miracles before pharaoh (such as the snake staffs.).
other prophets performed signs and miracles such as making the sun stand still, healing sick people, making walls fall down, etc etc.... even jesus performed miracles as proof of his divine appointment!.
A simple test: Deuteronomy 18:20-22; Galatians 1:8, 9