David Splane on "the generation":
notice 2:50 - 3:30, that dude basically said that baby is not alive 10 min before its birth.
i am interested in getting a list of lies that the watchtower has said or wrote in the past that could actually be proven to be as such, or, for the very least, deliberately misleading.
1. in a morning worship lecture in 2015, stephen lett said .
"rejecting false stories designed to separate us from jehovah's organization.
David Splane on "the generation":
notice 2:50 - 3:30, that dude basically said that baby is not alive 10 min before its birth.
so many of us have had (perhaps well-meaning) jws ask us questions about our inactivity, or lack of attendance at meetings.
they may pry about why..... how is this for a simple, yet straight to the point response?
to a sincere person, it may play on their mind and make them ask more questions.
I use to ask: "do you believe in The Bible, word of the God? If yes, please check Deuteronomy 18:18-22 and Epistle to Galatians 1:8, 9." There is plenty of examples for false predictions and "the new lights" known to rank&file JW, and to point to "the scriptures clearly said <quote from above>". That's for the start, once they start to think, i open other topics.
does anyone else wonder at the amount of time a person immediately gains when they leave the jws?.
just today, a sunday, i would have woken up at 7, frantically taken a highlighter pen to my wt to make it look like i had made a deep study of it.
packed my stuff for meeting and ministry, cycled to the kh, joined the pre meeting ministry arrangement, rushed back for the meeting, sat through a sometimes interesting public talk, sometimes mind-numbingly dull one, strained through a wt study to which i usually had more questions than answers.
Fifteen years ago when I went inactive, I decided to spend same time and effort, once reserved for "theocratical things", to do something for myself, I finished my master degree on machinery easy, cum laude, got better job and salary, and I solved my existencial situation for good. Otherwise I would struggle in problems (like I was before) and would wait for the Armageddon to solve my problems.
my turning point: serving on a child abuse judicial case.
Generation change was the first hint, UN case was the final one.
the wt is at it again it seems.
playing dirty as it can, trying to silence dissenters.. the john cedars channel on youtube has been taken down after the posting of a video critique of regional (district) convention leaked videos.. sounds like something putin would do in russia.
you know what they say, birds of a feather fly together--what a murder of crows all of'em!.
Fkin cultists always had an answer prepared. If you criticizing with bare hands, they say: lying apostates, where is the evidence? If you show part of material, they say: it is sliced out of context by mean apostates. If you show the whole show, they threat with charges because of copyright. The one and only true religion, yea right.
eldub that get stuck on a word!.
over the years i have been around a few, that if a "big" or "unusual" word or phrase is used at the assembly or by a co/do, to stress a point.
then eldub "somebody" will use it at every meeting, if they can find a way to squeeze it into a part or commit.. most of them get over it after a few meetings.
Once upon a time we had a foreign speaker at assembly, he always said 'epistle to 1st Chorinthians (Thessalonians, Timothy, Peter, John)' and 'epistle to 2nd ...' (in my language, that literary means "the first" and "the other" Chorinthians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Peter, John), instead of '1st or 2nd epistle to...'. Ofcourse, instead to correct him, some suckers started to talk same nonsense, it lasted for a few years.
i'm pretty certain i'm not the only one here who experiences this.. i occasionally have jw dreams.
the most recent one was me giving a talk in my home congregation.
all i had on was my trousers (pants), socks and shoes.
Sometimes I have dreams about going to field service, but much often about conventions held at unusual places, like hospitals, my old school, beaches, camps and so, we all sitting in waiting rooms or we seat everywhere around, with GB talks on the monitors at every corner. And I trying to find lavatory, or just some privacy to relief myself somewhere in the nature, but i can't, always someone opstruct me till I wake up with full bladder...
a year ago i had a rough time and posted this .
it was a controversial topic, some people got offended by my overly boastful tone, others offered help.
i appreciate any kind of opinion and i try to correct the flaws in my personality.
You did a good job in a year!
seen in the 03/2018 watchtower study :.
"during the 2017 service year, more than 284,000 “rightly disposed” individuals symbolized their dedication to jehovah by water baptism.".
"the-door-is-closing-baptize-now-or-die" effect
the first study article is about getting bible studies and children baptized.
there is much more emphasis placed on parents to get their own children baptized rather than focusing on bible students.
they try to impress on others the need for urgency.
Even God's son must waited till he was 30 to get baptized! He first finished his school, finished the training for job, made some business as carpenter, optionaly travel the world (to India and back), optionaly made some kids on the way, and THEN decided to get baptized. What a wonderfull example to follow!