Lol on the comments under the article, just like comments on the meeting, self glorifying crap. I wonder how much female civil engineers and supervisors are there or any other JW construction site.
Posts by btlc
chelmsford progress
by stan livedeath indoes anyone have an update on the developement in chelmsford?.
i'm always keenly slightly interested in hearing about jehovahs blessings..
Subliminal Messaging
by truthlover123 infor over 20 years subliminal pictures showed up in most books, wt, and awakes- eighties, nineties and into 2000's.... demons, gods, you name it-- .
question: is anyone seeing anything like this in todays publications?
My favorite, old brown songbook cover:
mysterious 2nd pair of legs from the right
Videos Remove on Rutube now Available Again
by blondie in
Reading something completely different:
i found on the very end of the document: "Reproduction and dissemination of the document - in electronic and/or printed format - is encouraged, provided acknowledgement is made of the role of the United Nations in making it available." But the UN is just a Satan's tool to attack God's Organization any time soon...
Alternate military service pre and post 1996 witness policies. Please comments.
by benny inwhat are the thoughts on the changes made by the society in the 1996 watchtower [new light] where one can then accept alternate army service where before you would have to be sentenced to do this.
i feel many were sent to prison needlessly or even executed.
this was not a matter of conscience as the watchtower claims..
In my country (SE Europe) military service was mandatory till 1997. I delayed my military invitations as much as I can, but in the summer 1997 police came and packed me to military base where I was prisoned 8 days. I had talks with some high ranked military heads, and I had oportunity to explain our standing (as JW, I was devouted in that time), that we don't reject service to our homeland, just we can't service under military department, but we can accept pure civilian service. I was releised, and few months later i was assigned to 15 months service in Center for disabled persons (mostly Down sindrom and autistic people) 10 min drive from my home. I was the 6th in my country who was assigned for pure civil service and the 1st who actualy finished it. It was positive experience after all.
I really don't know how I would explain the "old light" if military got me prior the 1996, I never understood how rotting in the prison is better than doing something usefull for community.
Years later when I discovered WT-UN scandal, I found that in same time (mid '90ties) UN demanded from several countries (mine included) to lose pressure on JW about military service and made available pure civilian service instead. Check points 30, 34 on this document dated 23 October 1996:
I can't get rid of the impression that the "new light" about civilian service was just an agreement (compromise) between JW and UN - at least one good thing out of that scandal... -
What Views or Beliefs Do Jehovah’s Witnesses No Longer Teach?
by minimus inevidently they have changed their creative day from being 7000 years per day.
all blood transfusions were taboo but now blood fractions might be allowed to be taken into the body.
vaccinations were sinful at one time but not now.. can you name other views or beliefs that have changed from being considered “truth” to no longer “the truth “?.
Good source for digging: Beliefs Clarified, Watch Tower Publications Index
'Organisation is our mother'
by EdenOne ini need your help please, for an article i'm writing.. i believe that quite recently in the 2010's, possibly at one of the annual meetings of the watchtower, there was one speech (or was it in a publication?
in a broadcast?
) where it was stated that the "organisation is our mother".
Worldwide Security Under the “Prince of Peace” p. 169:
18 [...] Jesus Christ [...] In this capacity he can fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy and become the “Eternal Father” to the first Adam’s offspring, whom he repurchases and adopts for the purpose of bestowing perfect human life on a paradise earth.
19 In such a way the heavenly Father of Jesus Christ will become the heavenly Grandfather of the restored human family. [...]
So, the Organization becomes grandma, and 144000 becomes mom? Weird family...
what prevents me from getting baptized?
by road to nowhere intodays wt what a bunch of hooey.
try: nobody can explain the beliefs from the bible; there are lots of "rules" beyond tdhe ones on morals enforced(beards, movies),.
the "gifts in men" are in the least incompetent overworked well meaning; but others are overbearing power hungry bullies.
With last update on baptism questions, WT made it really simple and not so demanding, to suit under aged and aliens who doesn't or can't understand what they are doing - there is no more "on the basis" to belive in ransome (or understand it), no expressing of willing to do "Jehovah's will", and no more Holy Spirit threat over your baptism. We will see what fruits will bring that lowering of the criteria for future candidats.
Service Department Reminder!
by Atlantis inwas not sure if all of the friends got a copy of this.. .
service department reminder.. .
this reminder came in with the other gdpr boe.
That's funny, it seems that former and fading JWs are more interested and updated with JW internal materials than average elder!
Do You Ever Have Dreams You’re Still a JW?
by jp1692 inlast night i dreamt i was at a circuit assembly; i even had a walk-on speaking part early in the morning program.
i spent the rest of the day “working” the event in a security detail.
the dream lasted until the entire day’s program was over.
I dream sometimes assemblies on strange places, like hospital, we are all accommodate in rooms and watch convention program on TV, and hospital staff treat us like patients. Or we are on the beach, casualy dressed, watching program on beach cinema. I usually wake up unsuccesfully searching some private place to tinkle. Last week I was dreamed that I'm in the field service, I rang on the door and then panic started - no Bible, no literature, nothing to offer and nothing to say, but I managed to wake up before door opened...