About "zero year" thing, even C. T. Russell was aware of that, but he rather shift deadline to October 1915 (WT December 1, 1912):
Posts by btlc
1914 Was Originally Just 40 Years Past the End Date of 1874, That's All it Was!
by OnTheWayOut inyou don't need to understand complicated ways to go from 607bce to 1914ce.
you don't have to go back to the late 1700's to understand the founding of jehovah's witnesses on the back of william miller's teachings.
you just need to know that watchtower math and past doctrines along with changes in teachings are all based on lies.
1914 Was Originally Just 40 Years Past the End Date of 1874, That's All it Was!
by OnTheWayOut inyou don't need to understand complicated ways to go from 607bce to 1914ce.
you don't have to go back to the late 1700's to understand the founding of jehovah's witnesses on the back of william miller's teachings.
you just need to know that watchtower math and past doctrines along with changes in teachings are all based on lies.
@AA: I believe the earliest mention is in 1877 book "The Three Worlds" (N.H.Barbour, C.T.Russell) page 83:
German Files of Interest for Those Collecting!
by Atlantis ingerman files for the folks who are collecting these.. bewerbung für besondere predigtaktion in bolivienvom 13. april bis 14. juni 2020.https://docdro.id/2on5cdainfoblatt für diejenigen, die die besondere predigtaktion in bolivienvom 13. april bis 14. juni 2020 unterstützen möchten.https://docdro.id/1ympqjcscn:sse 5. august 2019an alle versammlungen im zweiggebiet zentraleuropabesondere predigtaktion in bolivien.https://docdro.id/ulnq2xq petra!
@WTWizard, according to the letters, the target of the campaign are mennonites, community which speaks some kind of German dialect, so knowing Spanish seems to be irrelevant.
Btw, Atlantis / Petra, whoever you are, tyvm for all provided documents! -
Why do JWs reject the 587/586 BCE date?
by Doug Mason ini do not want this to develop into another discussion on "607 bce date is wrong".. when the a-e section of "aid to bible understanding" was published, i was able to show that the article on "chronology" employed deceptive techniques when it cited its sources.
whenever i provided jws the evidence in print, it was like water off a duck's back.
"the brothers in brooklyn have done all the research, write to them", they would tell me.. i soon recognised that the jws followed the wts because of who it claimed to be.. it became clear that another, stronger force existed--the impact of shunning with the loss of close friendships and with the impact on their family relationships.. one could only stand by with concern thinking of the impact of the cognitive dissonance and observing the regular changes requiring lock-step obedience.
We seriously question all the claims of Astrology, but if it says something that fit us, it could be true. So much of the scholar approach to the matter:
Need Help: My Correspondence with the Headquarters
by Lobsto ina month ago i sent a letter to the us branch about 607. my purpose for sending it was because i wanted to show to my parents through the letters the truth behind the date system.
two days ago, i received a response from them.
i think this is gonna be the first of many.
I tried to read the whole thread (and more) about 607 vs 587 thing, and I'm a little confused because I can't find any mentioning of the Zechariah book. On the page 1662 of the NWT says:
Writing completed (BCE): 518
Time Covered (BCE): 520-518
Reading the book, and assuming the time as linear:
1:12 - "70 years" still on (520. BCE, 2nd year of Darius)
7:5 - "70 years" just ended (518. BCE, 4th year of Darius)
which gave us 587. BCE as 1st year of 70 years period, according to NWT? Am I missing something? -
If You Could Pick Just One Title Of A Song That Would Describe Your Life
by The Bethelite inwhat would it be?.
mine would be "rocket man" by elton john.
Otis Redding - Sitting on the dock of the bay
because is better to waste the time sitting on the dock of the bay than sitting at the meetings...
France Paris International convention
by keinlezard inhi everyones, .
this weekend the 3 days convention ... .
around 37500 jw and 265 baptized ... 0.7% :) .
Maybe he was counseled to turn down a whiskey, and now he's trying some alternatives, French cognac or so...
International conventions and natiionalism
by joey jojo ini have been seeing a few international conventions posted here and on social media.
i can't help but notice what seems like blatant nationalism in terms of dress, greetings, welcome signs.
am i right or have i simply turned into a hyper sensitive loser that is reading too much into things?
I think that national identity perception differ from region to region (talking about JW community). In example, in ex Yu exist a dozen of different ethnicities at relatively small area, with turbulent past (i.e. WWII and 1990ies) and still unsolved issues. For decades we teach that one must forget and overcome their own nationality once you become part of God's people. But, a few years ago we had Special Convention, with "convetion program" including presentations of different nationalities (music, dances, food, wardrobe, etc.). Some had to pretend to be of the other nationality just to fill the gap in the program. It was all fake, people who never care about their own nationality (not to mention other's) had to pretend to be something that not fit to them. On the other hand, we have a nice couple from Austria, serving as CO more than 30 years in our area, and she wear the "dirndl" pretty often all the time, even to the meetings, and no one found that as the problem (maybe because she was really cute in that outfit :) )
Nº 001 Subliminal na literatura da Watchtower
by indicetj.com inolha, se você é uma testemunha de jeová:.
Maybe she never learned that she stumbled some of the angels and made them fall from the heaven...
Nº 001 Subliminal na literatura da Watchtower
by indicetj.com inolha, se você é uma testemunha de jeová:.
Apropos "Live Forever", I think this is more interesting, French actress Pascale Petit: