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Posts by btlc
Legal Concerns About "Zoom" Meetings!
by Atlantis inthis whole "zoom" thing has got me wondering whether some of it is legal or not.
if a person has to dress up for a zoom meeting the way the watchtower dictates, doesn't this really go "beyond" cult?.
even the cults who committed mass suicide were able to dress the way they wanted for their meetings.
Legal Concerns About "Zoom" Meetings!
by Atlantis inthis whole "zoom" thing has got me wondering whether some of it is legal or not.
if a person has to dress up for a zoom meeting the way the watchtower dictates, doesn't this really go "beyond" cult?.
even the cults who committed mass suicide were able to dress the way they wanted for their meetings.
About Zoom thing, our congregation started testing last week, and it was said that we should be dressed as if we were in a hall, but that is also a personal matter. As far as i could see, some was fully dressed, some just put a tie on shirt they wear at home, some had camera off or point it to the ceiling, some use computers without camera, some just use phone dial-up. Everything goes at the moment, we will see in a couple of weeks.
Great Trib is Starting!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara injust received a text yesterday...lovebombing to return with so called proof of the gt starting...scaremongering at its peak!.
missing you at the meetings.
It is just about June 2020 Watchtower study articles:
“I Myself Will Search for My Sheep”
Study article 25: August 17-23, 2020. Why do some who have served Jehovah faithfully for years drift away from the congregation? How does God feel about them? This article considers answers to those questions. It also discusses what we can learn from the way Jehovah helped some in Bible times who temporarily drifted away from him.
“Return to Me”
Study article 26: August 24-30, 2020. Jehovah wants those who no longer associate with the congregation to return to him. We can do a lot to encourage those who want to accept Jehovah’s invitation: “Return to me.” In this article, we will consider how we can help them to do so.
So, everyone of us here should be prepared for love bombing in next months...
Are the JWs are doing field service while corona?
by iliketreasure inhey guys,.
i'm out of the jws for 12 years now and stopped thinking about the whole thing a long time ago.. but recently, i wondered how jws deal with corona?
i've read on the forums that they suspended meetings and tried to hold them online.. but are they still doing field service?.
Field service is suspended in my area (SE Europe) as well as all meetings, all activities are via electronic devices until further notices. And, yes, some of the comments can be summarized to "that's what we waiting for..."
So where's the the food at the proper time?!
by nowwhat? inso we are a couple weeks into this crisis with the meetings being cancelled.
and you would think the fds would have provided the sheep with helpful spiritual guidance in these times of need.
wtf do they have jw broadcasting for then?
People are more interested in toilet paper at the proper time, IMHO
Russell's followers in British Columbia?
by dubstepped inso i was interviewing a guy for a podcast episode today and he went and saw his grandmother over christmas to gather some history.
he wasn't raised a jw but it turns out his family was actually opposed to the jws because they went all the way back to russell.
according to him (from her stories), they refused to follow rutherford and that's where the split took place.
Many years ago when I started to seek 'TTATT', I found an interesting page: devoted to Russell's teachings, and I was stunned how many more Russell's followers still exist:
Quote Misquote Misleading
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inthe latest watchtowel (march 2020) study edition has a question from readers ‘what evidence exists outside the bible that the israelites were slaves in egypt?’ from what i read in the bible unearthed there being nothing to base any claims on.
the article gives a quote by ‘dr.
bimson : “the biblical traditions of the bondage in egypt and of the exodus have a firm historical basis.” no links or sources given.
So, if I remember correctly, 600 000 men (means a population of few millions) left Egypt, and dwell for 40 years (whole generation!) in the desert with limited resources. Imagine that infrastructure, to meet daily needs for millions of people, it is not easy even today, not even in a well organized megacities, let alone near-east desert 35 centuries ago. There should be millions of relics, artefacts, artificial structures, graves, bones, remnants of daily life. Every other civilization left something, but Israelites left just a fairy tales...
Favorite Bumper Stickers!
by The Bethelite inone the jws like.. "get busy!
god is coming and he is pissed.".
one the that people who are not jws like.. "please god protect me from your people".
Pray for Trump!
Psalm 109:8
Hourglass app
by solomon inall of the local congregations are going to use hourglass app for publishers to report their time.
i’m not sure if this meets privacy laws in our province.
Once upon a time God used Holy Spirit to communicate his loyal servants, now he use 4G/wifi and JW.borg...
The Apology Tour
by minimus ineveryone seems to be hitting the apology circuit.
if you ever said anything inappropriate or what might be considered offensive, then you must apologize.
if you possibly could have hurt someone’s feelings, you need to say sorry.
The very first thought reading the caption: