Hello everyone,
I just felt like you all deserve an update post. Kind of "where I am and why I care" anyway as regards my involvement in the M7 now with repeat offender status when it comes to being caught in Lloyd's legal crosshairs.
[adds "reprobate apostate" to resume]
I first discovered people making exjovah videos on youtube back in 2008. At the time I was knees deep trying to get a security clearance so I could fly army helicopters, so I declined to make content of my own other than some cringy but still funny cartoons. I made them to make my friends laugh. Quick background: I wasn't considering myself some "activist" or looking to be paid (And "The Vast Apostate Army" was nothing more than a tongue in cheek meme type thing for a lot of people who made videos griping about the Watchtower, it was never any one person, or as I've seen others suggest, me.) What really held my fascination was the fantastic debates to be found between people that shared my experience. It was cathartic for a while, and looking back I'd consider it a part of my healing process. Eventually though, I showed my face under a moniker made some commentary videos over a martini or two, and started to rebuild what I thought was some sort of social circle of like minds.
I witnessed first hand Lloyd's rise to assholedom. The people in this thread previously suggesting he fits the profile of a narcissist are probably on to something. I won't rehash the entire thing, but if you are interested in a rundown of what transpired between Lloyd and I, Kameron Fader on youtube has the video where we get into it.
As for my involvement in our Warwick stunt and resulting nationally broadcast award winning most successful expose: Once upon a time I thought people could work together to raise awareness and do something meaningful if they did anything at all.
See it for what it is. Lloyd has caused divisions in the exjw scene that have hurt people, sure. He's managed to manipulate and sour relationships. He's engaged in doxxing (thanks for those defamatory blog posts your wrote about me Lloyd, damage was done. I have hardline jw family that won't talk to me since you outed my first and last name. Zing! I owe you for that one buddy!) He's grifted to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars now using his status as an elder for a year who coincidentally for some reason fled his home country within weeks of something that required a Watchtower corporate rep to be present for. And he can't stop talking about sex, and freely details his masturbatory habits to his audience. You do know who I am talking about here, right? The "Reluctant Apostate", John Cedars, AKA Lloyd Evans?
"Who cares, so what, he's a dick" you might say. And I'd agree. Is it just that simple tho? Are we all just sharing some mass communal psychosis in this forum now 1000 pages deep? nah
This guy is reckless in his pursuit of donations, and I'll explain. Lloyd Evans uses CSA victims to his own benefit. "For only $150 you too can sell your soul, and have your story published in my book! Have you gone to the police yet? Who cares! Because I'm not even asking!" Obvious question perhaps, but what happens when these people decide to come forward to the authorities after something like that? The internet is forever, and don't think a defense attorney isn't going to chew the victim's toes off over something like that. Consciously, or unconsciously, the guy behaves as an agent saboteur.
Lloyd tried to embed himself like a tick into IICSA. Is anyone familiar with the fallout over that when he admitted he was enabling the sex-trafficking industry? Reference my above point, and ask then what stood to go REALLY WRONG, LEGAL LIABILITY SPEAKING?
To think that this rat fink has raised money off a community of people who went through what we went through? My name and my friends names?
lol Lloyd: I know you're reading this, we got the receipts- we always were going to :)
I just want to say THANK YOU for helping us get access to the Croatian legal paperwork and everyone's continued interest and input in this subject. I get a real kick out of seeing rando youtubers and the people at Kiwi Farms connecting the dots to what's going on! At the end of the day, I think former members of any cult should be cheering each other on in life. Not tearing them down or seeking to profit from other's misery. Life is hard enough and it's our job to heal and move on in life. We were promised paradise on earth, found out it was BS. I'm only interested in creating my own personal paradise while I have the time, and I hope you are too.