I'm impressed as to how this guy could have been propped up so zealously for so long. Is there really that much power in a buttery accent? Forgive the commentary, but like Pepperidge Farm, I was there to seen this guy from the beginning and his de-evolution into whatever this particular form is now. And to think he used to sit around lecturing (scolding) people about "proper" activism and not looking like "lunatics".
It's amazing how he had an online army of flying monkeys to remind dissenters they should be glad to have such great ones among us to take the lead. People willing to embarrass themselves by equating his prostitution habit with visiting mcdonalds. lol unreal.
I'm not expert but I spent years dealing with people in the back of an ambulance. If I saw his face, I'd automatically assume he's on drugs or otherwise has something nasty going on. just saying in my formerly professional opinion he has the face of someone who has AIDs or hep and smokes crack.
good job Lloyd.