Leve the playing field: This is a summary of that program:
first you see two sisters in the field service dressed in a mini skirt, and the other in a pantalon...
Then there is a fragment of a meeting of two elders, with two persons involved, in having sex, in one case, and in the other case they didn't had sex, but did other things that are considered immoral, according the Jw rules.. The point was that the elders asked questions about the details, what they specifically did..
then a psychologist , involved in cult matters, is giving more information about mind control, and how it works..
then a case of sexual abuse is brought up by the reporter, but when he went to to parents to know more about the story, you can see that the parents don't give answers, and an elder thakes them in the Kingdom Hall.
the reporter try also to speak to interview one elder of that congregation. But he don't give any comments, and he looked embarrased too, in my eyes...
Barbara: why this is not professional journalism:
if you want to make a program about covering up molestation, then you have a good example in Portugal, this was for me professional journalism..
but here you have fragments of a a meeting of elders, with JW's confessing their sins.. The reporter is telling that this was a Juidicial committee, but this has not neccesary be the case, and I think that it is only a suggestion of the reporter. In a juidicial case 3 elders are involved.
about the molestation case: The reporter was suggesting that the JW's is forbidden to go to the authority to denounce the molestation: This is not true, he would be more correct in saying that the elders has to contact the branch, and that they are not encouraged from the branch to go to the police. But that individual publishers can surely go to the police, without any sanction from the elders.
with this in mind about proffessional journalism, I wan't deny the fact that we have a problem within the JW organisation with the molestation issue, and with the procedures in handling these cases, and that cooperation with the Justice must be improved..