Here you go...I'll make it even easier for you:
#1 Protein Functional Redundancy
Comparing the sequences of amino acids in ubiquitous proteins confirms the relationship between all living things.
#2 DNA Functional Redundancy
Comparison of the DNA that codes for the amino acids of ubiquitous proteins predicts the tree of life with an astonishing degree of accuracy.
#3 ERVs
Endogenous retroviruses that infected our ancestors are found in the same place of the genome of our closest primate cousins.
#4 Smelly Genes
Hundreds of broken genes that used to code for olfactory receptors in our ancestors are still found in our genome.
#5 Vitamin C
Why humans can no longer make their own vitamin C and what that tells us about our species' history.
#6 Human Chromosome 2
Our second biggest chromosome is made up of two of our ancestors' genes stuck end-to-end.
#7 Human Egg Yolk Gene
Humans and our primate cousins have the genes for making vitellogenin and they are all broken in the same way.
#8 Jumping Genes
Bits of parasitic code called ALU elements prove our common ancestry with primates.
#9 Less Chewing More Thinking
A broken gene for a type of muscle fibre we no longer have tells a story about our evolutionary past.
#10 Non-Coding DNA
In common with many other species huge amounts of our genome originated as copying errors.
#11 Tiktaalik
An amazing fossil discovery illustrates the transition of life from sea to land.
#12 Lenski's E.coli Experiment
An experiment with E.Coli, now in it's third decade, demonstrates the power of natural selection.
#13 Morris Minor Bonnets
Evolution has to make do with building on existing designs as illustrated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
#14 Joey Goes to Oz
Fossil evidence for the origins of marsupials found in Antarctica exactly as predicted.
#15 Robinson Crusoe
The biogeography of oceanic islands presents an impossible dilemma for creationism.
#16 Aquatic Mammals
An excellent sequence of fossils illustrates the evolutionary journey of whales from land to sea.
#17 Belyaev's Silver Foxes
A 50 year breeding programme demonstrates the amazing power of selection and the interconnected nature of genes.
#18 Fish Fingers
The evolution of limbs is mapped out in an amazing sequence of ancient fish fossils.
#19 Goosebumps
A vestigial reflex bequeathed by our hairier ancestors.
#20 Lucy in the Sky...
An exceptional fossil of a 3 million year old hominid.