Glander, on your last point.... isn't that government? These "communities who know their fellows and have common needs" and who create positive examples of "collective effort", would they not have some form of governance? Say, like the municipal government in my home town of 3000. Or the Board I sit on for a service club?
Minimus, activities I think are better handled collectively:
- Transportation - roads, bridges, airports, transit
- Healthcare
- Defense (offence when needed)
- Disaster relief
- Insurance (the very idea is collectivism, of course)
- Monetary policy
- Treaty negotiations
- Criminal law
- Basic Education (though, I'm not sold on this one)
- Enforcement
- Intelligence gathering
- Risk mitigation
- Resource rights
Actives I think are deplorable when handled collectivity:
- Media, publishing
- Property
- Child rearing
- Religious/political indoctrination
- Employment
- Higher education
- Business valuation / investment
- Postal service (was once up top)
- Utilities
- Resource extraction... well, any kind of business
- The actual building of anything the collective has decided to fund (eg, private companies bid to build and maintain roads, etc)