I have been brought up in the truth, and was made to believe I would never leave school.
that was in the 1970s
back then I thought will there be a time when people will say ok it’s gone on too long now, we were lied to. Leading upto 1975 you were made to feel wrong and unfaithful if you doubted the end would come in 75.
just as now you are made to feel bad if you doubt the nonsense overlapping generations doctrine.
back in 1970s you couldn’t imagine this system going on as far as the 1980s or let along the 1990s.
yet here we are coming upto 2020.
my question is what if, really WHAT IF we see 2030 and beyond???????
could the Jdubs still carry on believing that this new period of time is the new last days and we were all wrong before?