@Vintage Thank you for saying that. Glad my rants and ravings are useful LOL! Honestly, I seriously think a psychology student could write an entire thesis on Lloyd's behavior over the past decade. Talk about how cults like JWs attract or nurture or create narcissists, how he uses every pathetic trick in the book to shout down critics, his justification of visiting prostitutes (even saying "I didn't rape anyone..." Um, yes you did, you just paid someone else to do the dirty work of finding victims). The list goes on. He's a full study on intellectual dishonesties, narcissistic personality disorder, misogyny, virtue signaling, etc. Everything about what it means to be a complete ass wipe of a person.
JoinedPosts by DerekMoors
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
One thing that really pisses me off about that is when he says that abused JW women are on their own because those orgs aren't responding to him. That takes the responsibility off the abuser! Whatever abuse victims suffer during the abuse and then afterwards, that's the fault of the abuser and their enablers (elders, etc.).
But nice job Lloyd, taking blame away from the abusers and parking it elsewhere. Those abusive husbands must really appreciate you deflecting blame away from them. "Hey, look at what a horrible situation my abused ex-wife is in, and how it's totally the fault of those shelters and organizations. Aren't they terrible for leaving her on her own like that? Shameful how they've abandoned her."
With friends like you, what abused woman needs enemies? POS.
*Yes, I know men are abused too but I'm mentioning women because the WT always addresses abused women (and let's be honest, female victims will outnumber male victims in that cult) and that's whom Lloyd was discussing.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
He’s not accusing IICSA of being a part of the CSA problem which is sensational and counter-productive.
That reminds me of when he was attacking domestic violence shelters and orgs online because he wrote some article about the WT's latest misogynistic rubbish and was tagging those shelters in tweets, but getting no response. Remember he had a counter or something on his timeline, counting how many days with no response and then said something about how THEY were failing DV victims?
Literally, said that SHELTERS, whose sole purpose is to help victims, were the ones failing them simply because they weren't giving Lloyd attention.
No, not the abusers and their enablers at the Kingdom Hall, they're not responsible for what happens to victims after the fact. DV shelters who weren't patting him on the back and retweeting his article were the ones failing the victims.
Interesting that he thinks simply repeating his admissions about sex workers constitutes slander but he can crap all over DV shelters and the IICSA, and in his mind it's not only okay but heroic. Such a hypocritical ugly ass of a man.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
His blood is boiling because they didn't do what he demanded, didn't catapult him to even more stardom by acknowledging his greatness and groveling at his wisdom. His actions alone prove that it has nothing to do with safeguarding children since he's taken advantage of similar abusive institutions, but he's realizing that all the effort he put into shoving Louise Goode aside and elbowing his way to the front of the room were for naught. He wasn't that important to them after all. Yes, that would make a narcissist's blood boil.
P.S. that tweet has been up for 4 hours with only 5 likes and no comments or retweets. He's standing on the podium of an empty Kingdom Hall at this point.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
That post above has been up 7 hours and it's only gotten 10 likes and 4 comments, from his supposed 13K followers.
Sorry Lloyd but it's over for you. Yes you have a few stragglers but anyone with any brains and common decency has jumped your disgusting, hypocritical ship.
Go get a real job and stop talking about how IICSA has failed child victims, especially with the same mouth you use to haggle the price of girls who may very well be those same victims. Your hypocrisy makes me sick to my stomach. Literally, I feel sick watching you act like a champion of child victims when you take advantage of the biggest industry beside religion that creates those victims.
Besides, what are you gonna do if a UK government agency decides to come down on men like you as hard as you want them to do with the JWs? Human trafficking and sex tourism are all part of CSA, so be careful what you wish for, you filthy ass.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It doesn't matter his actual complaint, he would have found something to virtue signal about. This is just him chest thumping; everyone else is a failure so by contrast, according to his thought process, he's the true hero.
He pulled that same crap over that book one of his minions was going to write about the Australian Royal Commission. I remember him saying something about what he needed to put up with while trying to accomplish his big shot activism, or something. Everyone else is a joke while he's a true hero, according to his alcohol soaked brain.
And of course missing the obvious point of him being part of the problem of CSA by taking advantage of the sex trade industry in Thailand of all places. Fucking hypocrite.
On the flipside, if the report had been perfect, he would be crowing about his time as a participant or commentator or whatever he was. His playbook is so predictable at this point.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I'm wondering how long this phase will last, but there is a time limit, since his children will probably figure him out sooner than he might expect.
And god forbid one of them becomes Christian or even just believes in god. Heaven help that poor child and the condescending BS he'll suffocate her with (and I say that as a fellow atheist).
Even if he tries to censor himself around them, he's such a self-absorbed bore. As already mentioned, he has to watch a movie he likes, not one that his kids might enjoy. Okay, he did post in that Zagreb FB group asking for suggestions on what to do with his kids but also made some comment somewhere about his back problems keeping him from interacting with them at the park or pool or something.
Even if he wasn't such a pathetic old stick in the mud, pretty soon they'll want to hang almost exclusively with other kids their own age just by nature. Then what props will he use in his quest for social media glory?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Getting ass, virtue signaling, and caring father persona all in one I don't doubt. I also think he does it to make it seem like he's so intelligent. "Oh look at me, thinking about the deep and complicated social and political issues of the day, and using words like populism. I am so incredibly wise and contemplative. Bow before me, you childish plebs who do not have the same depth as I."
He reminds me of Vizzini in Princess Bride, calling everyone else a moron and claiming to be so smart while he's really just a fat ass who won't shut up.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
What does that symbol mean daddy?
I call bullshit on that conversation ever happening. What 8-year-old realizes something is a symbol versus just decoration, much less uses that word, much less realizes that there is a meaning behind it worth discussing?
I'm guessing he made it up so he could share what he thinks is a profound thought to his easily impressed twitter sheeples.
Now watch him lose his shit over this post, whining about people attacking his daughter (never happened), putting his family at risk (also never happened), yada yada yada.
Sorry Lloyd but you put your family at risk by bringing home god only knows what diseases from your time with sex workers and by shamelessly trotting out your children whenever it's time to make some asshole attempt at gaining respect and sympathy. You also put their mental and emotional health at risk by treating their mother with such contempt and even suggesting that a woman should put up with such a shitty husband and father.
While Remini, Hassan, and the rest haven't outright repudiated you, there's no way you'll ever work with anyone respectable again in your life. Anyone and everyone with an ounce of credibility has abandoned you, and you deserve it. You brought this on yourself.
You won't rebuild from here either. You have nothing to offer any other circle out there. You're not smart enough or educated enough to offer something to environmentalists or the atheist community, you don't have the knowledge of other religions to expose Mormons or Catholics or whomever, you don't have experience in the world to say anything of value about politics or economics, and you're too selfish, demanding, controlling, immature, and narcissistic for anyone to put up with you anyway.
You're a fraud Lloyd, and not even a very good one. It only took one little prick, pun intended, to burst your bigshot activist bubble.
And Simon is right. I'm late 40s and can't sit through Raiders at this point, I can't imagine those young girls finding it even remotely entertaining.