What does that symbol mean daddy?
I call bullshit on that conversation ever happening. What 8-year-old realizes something is a symbol versus just decoration, much less uses that word, much less realizes that there is a meaning behind it worth discussing?
I'm guessing he made it up so he could share what he thinks is a profound thought to his easily impressed twitter sheeples.
Now watch him lose his shit over this post, whining about people attacking his daughter (never happened), putting his family at risk (also never happened), yada yada yada.
Sorry Lloyd but you put your family at risk by bringing home god only knows what diseases from your time with sex workers and by shamelessly trotting out your children whenever it's time to make some asshole attempt at gaining respect and sympathy. You also put their mental and emotional health at risk by treating their mother with such contempt and even suggesting that a woman should put up with such a shitty husband and father.
While Remini, Hassan, and the rest haven't outright repudiated you, there's no way you'll ever work with anyone respectable again in your life. Anyone and everyone with an ounce of credibility has abandoned you, and you deserve it. You brought this on yourself.
You won't rebuild from here either. You have nothing to offer any other circle out there. You're not smart enough or educated enough to offer something to environmentalists or the atheist community, you don't have the knowledge of other religions to expose Mormons or Catholics or whomever, you don't have experience in the world to say anything of value about politics or economics, and you're too selfish, demanding, controlling, immature, and narcissistic for anyone to put up with you anyway.
You're a fraud Lloyd, and not even a very good one. It only took one little prick, pun intended, to burst your bigshot activist bubble.
And Simon is right. I'm late 40s and can't sit through Raiders at this point, I can't imagine those young girls finding it even remotely entertaining.