September 4 would also be right after another first-of-the-month patreon dip.
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September 4 would also be right after another first-of-the-month patreon dip.
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@Kim Thank you for your response and I read your attached letter, well done. I think Lloyd done fucked up by trying to argue law with an actual attorney.
It reminds me of the whole CoC debacle, and I think I remember someone saying that he was claiming copyright only applies to works in print and printed for profit, his argument being that since CoC was out of circulation and no one was making money from it, he was free to do as he wanted with it.
Sorry fat ass but copyright means just that; you have the right to decide how something is to be copied, for profit or not, in print and circulation or not, etc. Being out of print or circulation is not equivalent to being in the public domain. But he's so far up his own ass he honestly thinks he can decide how the law works.
On another note, he seems to be holding steady right now at 425 patrons. That's a loss of 19 or 20 this month.
I can only imagine what's going on in his bloated head right now... Whatever it is, Lloyd since we know you're reading this, I can't remind you enough that you brought this on yourself. Years of harassment and abuse toward so many xJWs, your wife, and anyone else stuck in your gravitational pull, plus taking advantage of the victims of human trafficking. Seriously, choke on it.
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Also what that exjw did in Norway it's called activism. What Lloyd does it's not.
Also, the work done in Pennsylvania to bring these cases before the prosecutor and educate them about why this goes on in the religion... that's activism.
The fat boy needs to realize that inflation is so insane right now, most people are looking to trim any corner they can. If he was really doing things that made a difference, got the attention of quality news reporters and other results like Norway and PA, I'm sure more people would be happy to dole out a few bucks.
But no, he's just regurgitating his nonsensical rebuttals (like it's so tough to rebut JW garbage) and making stupid "sushi" videos about nothing. Even that Truth About the Truth documentary booted him.
Not only is it stupid to pay him to make YouTube videos from which he gets ad revenue (again, more double dipping) but seeing other activists get real results has got to make people realize how pathetic and irrelevant he is.
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Funny ,3 hrs ago it was 419 ,and now 422? I really think his the one "buying" maybe the $1 membership ,or one of his over zealous worshipper, just to keep the appearance that everything is not that bad.
I think if a patron's payment doesn't go through when charged at the first of the month, they're dropped off the count and notified by email. Then if they fix that and send a payment, they go back to that tally.
That's why it fluctuates so much the first few days of the month. You have people who cancel their patronage and those with payment issues all drop by the end of the day on the 1st. Then any who correct their payment issues or reactivate their account after getting that notification will go back into the overall count.
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So he’ll probably struggle on for a long while yet before giving up.
But then what? Get a real job? He has no skills and no educational credentials. He's getting older and already complaining of back issues.
He also has the worst personality on the planet, no way can he take direction and especially if it's from a woman or religious person.
He thinks he should be the boss but doesn't have the smarts enough to start a business himself, he doesn't even have the few IQ points it takes to keep up a YouTube audience and "activism" career. All he had to do was stop bullying people and just concentrate on his own stuff and he couldn't even do that.
Imagine him trying to open a storefront or bar or something, all he'd do is piss off everyone and try his best to screw people out of everything. I also don't think he's smart enough to understand things like accounting, pricing, purchasing, etc.
The only thing he could do is start some simple little lawn cutting or moving company but I doubt he could even keep something like that afloat. Maybe he'll meet another woman with zero self-esteem and bully her into paying the rent while he plays in his studio and goes out to "run errands" for a few hours every few weeks.
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He definitely needs to rethink these stupid goals, he's reached these milestones but I don't see annual full-length "documentaries" being produced and I don't think he's ever done a TED talk (or did I miss it somewhere?).
Wouldn't people have the right to demand their money back if he doesn't do as promised? Does patreon know he makes promises he doesn't keep?
Also sickening how he's always talking about traveling to do interviews and films. He thinks he's such a big shot filmmaker, in reality he just wants international vacations on everyone else's dime.
Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted Lloyd because you're now just another random YouTuber with a handful of viewers and patrons, becoming more and more irrelevant every day.
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So he said if he reached 540 patrons he could hire someone...
Now that he's dropped below that will he need to fire Tibor? I'm sure he's already weighing how much he hates parting with money with how much he hates actually doing any real work.
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I spoke too soon LOL.
That means he lost around 25 patrons this month... sure a few will come back or whatever but dang.
Maybe he needs to adjust his individual milestone goals. "Having reached 450 patrons, I will no longer need to buy the store brand whiskey and will treat myself, an adult man, to even more dolls action figures. Gimme gimme gimme..."
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Wow. Earlier this week, before the end-of-month drop, he was at 444.
Again, I know he'll pick a few back up but it's nice to see his supporters dwindling, considering that their money is probably still going to prostitutes (did Lloyd ever say he would stop using them? no?).
It's getting on a year since his livestream and all this went public so obviously a drop in his supporters wasn't just some knee-jerk reaction that he could bounce back from.
Now he's got very little engagement on twitter and no outlet with any weight will ever again give him a platform. He'll then need to rely almost solely on YouTube algorithms to get views on his videos and to sell this next book he's writing, which I bet will include several hundred rambling pages justifying this whole mess.
Which, in turn, will just mean more fodder for people to point out what a monster he is.
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Here's another xJW with a book out:
Her book was published by a subsidiary of Penguin Books, a real publisher. That's their UK YouTube channel, with 234,000 subscribers and 70,000 views so far.
Maybe it's just me but it seems like there have been more and more xJWs going public with their stories in the last few years alone, and getting real attention from legit publishers, news agencies, etc.
So, not only does no one want Lloyd around anymore, no one needs him around.
He's also down to 438 patrons. Yes I know it will probably bump up a few in the next couple of days but he is still losing more support every month.
Having a good day Lloyd?