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JoinedPosts by Earthmeasured
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Montoya. Put on matlab the equation of the spiral of the sun over a flat earth map and you will get the answer. The equation is r=7400+-abs(66.6teta^0.618). It is a logaritmic spiral. Make a program that moves the sun on this radius. The sun moves also on z axis with this equation z=9990-0.5r. You can have the position of the sun at a certain latitude and longitude and also the height angle
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Ok. Can you explain me the hypothesis made by erathostenes? He was making two hypothesis. One was that the earth is a sphere. The othe is that tha rays of sun are parallel. Isnt it?
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Eratosthenes arrived to define the radius of the globe. Or not?
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Notsure wheretogo i ve stated the argument, due to respect or maybe a sense of ospitality i should be the one to lead this thread. I m asking for evidences that are not video or images and you post a video, its clear that you have not arguments and you are thus attacking the person
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Shepherdless. Tell me what eratosthenes obtained as a result
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Can you tell me a prrof that is not an image from nasa? Lets debate
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Ever heard about fish eye lens?
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Newtonian. For me circle is a 2 dimensional geometric figure