Kosonen says:
Sorry to hear your frustration, PioneerSchmioneer, I read your posts and thought a bit if I could write you a reply, but I don't feel any force to do that. The task would be too burdensome...I could just post such scriptures without comments.
But did Jesus merely give people Scriptures without comments? No. In fact when he would give detailed commentary and explain the meaning of the Biblical texts, as for example:
"Everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms..."
The gospels inform us that he just didn't give them lists of Scriptures to be explained on how these texts must me "fulfilled" in connection with him.--Luke 24:44-47.
"And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself."--Luke 24:27
You are unlike Jesus if you are just tossing Scriptures in the air and expecting people to understand them on their own. For it is written:
"Everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher."--Luke 6:40.
And again, the Scriptures teach that you are expected to explain the texts, for have you not read the account in Acts of the Ethiopian eunich who was reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah?
Did not the Holy Spirit use Philip to explain the Scriptures to him so that he might become a Christian?--Acts 8:26-38.
If we are merely supposed to let people alone with Scripture texts, then would not the Holy Spirit have enlightened the eunich without Philip's help? Obviously you do not know that if you are to call yourself a Christian, then you are assigned to explain the word of God.
The Church Fathers knew this. In fact, if it were not for the earliest Christians doing this, we would not have the texts you are trying to post today. Someone had to explain the texts because in the Roman world of the 1st century, few could read and write. There would be no canon of the New Testament if it were not for their hard work of studying and explaining the texts. And there would be no new disciples.
“The [Church] Fathers were the first to face certain problems that Christianity was bound to encounter and continues to encounter, and they provided responses that are classic, if not canonized. The nature of God, God’s relation to the world, the humanity and divinity of Christ, the nature and structure of the church, the authority of Scripture, the moral obligations of the human person: these are among the issues that the Fathers first addressed."--Beginning to Read the Fathers: Revised Edition by James Boniface Ramsey, Paulist Press.
Kosonen said:
But that did not go well either. I got many angry demands that I stop posting them scriptures and they often misunderstood me in my view on Jesus.
Then you need to rethink being a Christian. For Jesus himself said:
"If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours."--John 15:19-20.
Jesus told those who wanted to follow him to count the cost before they did. (Luke 14:28-29) It includes people getting angry at you--and worse.
If you are not willing to deal with these things--which you just admitted you are not--then as you have just confessed to everyone here, you are not willing to go all the way for Christ.
You will only follow Jesus, as long as it doesn't hurt.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV Catholic Edition with Deuterocanonical Books.