I don't really want to continue this as it seems too divisive a subject but I had to condense my thoughts when I was writing and my comments seemed simple or even flippant.
I do appreciate a lot of what medical research has done and I am now alive because of an amazing operation that has enabled me to get back outside labouring on my property, even if it is for only 3 to five hours a day, but then I am 69. I don't take statins or aspirin because of the side effects.
120 years ago heart problems were practically Unknown. The general consensus is the food we eat is one of the main causes of the problem. The massive increase in morbid obesity is directly linked to poor diet, again a product of the chemical companies.
Just about any product we now use comes from scientific research and eventually it seems in my lifetime that massive health problems arrise from many items that are still in use for example Teflon in cookware which I can remember on TV as far back as the fifties.
I can remember my father retiring at 57 with angina and drastically changing his diet with the help of a naturopath, regaining his health and living pain free to 75.
we all have to make our own path in life and I don't want to engage in back and forth argument. Anyone who read that comment from David Jay's friend on other threads would I think appreciate what was said. We are all suffering I think some sort of PTSD from cult involvement and I wish everyone well here. I appreciate all the comments made following my original post and I hope I haven' offended anyone.