Brick by brick? I don’t think so. If anything, the goal of “Reclaimed Voices” to garner as much negative media attention as humanly possible is a reflection of the failure of anti-jws to bring down the “tower”.
The only external force capable of bringing down a religion as large and as well-financed as Jws, is a government. But that hasn’t really worked, as when a government tried to collapse JWs, they only grew. So a group of bitter anti-jws certainly have no shot.
So I guess the next best thing is to use the media. But in reality, have jws EVER received positive media attention? Hardly, and if so, it was a footnote on the last page of a newspaper/internet article.
Go back to 1918 when the top directors were jailed, which didn’t break them. Go to the 40s and 50s when they lost they the flag salute case and were dogged as being “anti-American” and “communists” all over the media. Still didn’t break it. Go to 2002, when jws were being accused, all over the internet and news, for hiding child abusers. That was almost 20 years ago. Still not broken.
So what is my point? Apathy, not bad publicity, is a religion’s poison pill.
But the organization creates enthusiasm with their new meeting program, feature-length movie productions, and digital initiative. Enthusiasm is the cure for apathy.
So to successfully break the organization “brick by brick”, the membership itself has to do it, and for that to happen, they have to stop caring, which means those in charge have to stop caring first.
So 130+ years of negative publicity hasn’t worked. No reason to think it will all-of-a-sudden change in 2018.