“Expose Watchtower” - after 25 years of being a JW, I now chuckle when I hear that.
Humor me please - how long does it take for WT to be “exposed”?
Can we go back 35 years ago, when Crisis of Conscious was published? How about in 1997, when many exjws were lauding the end of Watchtower when the internet became mainstream? How about all the hundreds of ex JW books, and thousands of websites since then? What is being “exposed” in 2018, that hasn’t been “exposed” decades ago? Child abuse? Go back to 2002. Shunning? Lol. Blood transfusions? That’s been known since the 60s.
So basically all anti-JW websites read exactly the same and has been since I can remember, because they don’t expose anything, they simply recycle decades old arguments. Heck he even admitted, with his first book, that he’s going down a well trodden path.