Did you hear about the man with leprosy that failed his driving test?
He left his foot on the clutch.
Badoom tish!
the earliest account of the disease appears in an egyptian papyrus around 1550 b.c.. hansen's or leprosy infected around 100-200 people in the u.s each year and most are.
in the south, texas and louisiana no idea why.. in the bible leprosy is mentioned upwards of 40 times.
the main reason why leprosy is talked.
Did you hear about the man with leprosy that failed his driving test?
He left his foot on the clutch.
Badoom tish!
this really works.
i've already applied the basics of this with one elder who "offered" us a shepherding visit.
we've been totally ignored since!!!
Good advice for sure. Would just add another twist that can be used. If you get into a spat with someone in the congregation, you can always play the "stumbled card"
Sneaky. I like it.
hey guys it's been 2 years since leaving and this is how life has gone for us since then.
hope you guys have had a positive experience too!
cheers 😃.
They almost look like they could be kids from that guy in "Tears for Fears". You know, the guy with the glasses?
Looks abit like a Beaver
Aye - it's a Mad World
oh the irony!.
i have noticed several times, that a business, owned by an elder who used to be at bethel as a young guy, advertises here!.
ok, before i get shot down, i understand that ads are generated somehow by key words on the page etc...(perhaps someone can explain it properly?).
This is not the place for self-disclosures, Landy.
Everyone needs a hobby ;)
so i was talking with my daughter the other day and she tells me that she doesn't want me to push my beliefs on her.i am agnostic.
which isn't a belief.
it's a lack of belief.
Wow, Landy, your hypocrisy never fails to amaze me. You were inexcusably rude from your very first interaction with me on this site, and here you have the audacity to preach to someone else about how they should treat their daughter. Wow. Just wow.
My 'inexcusably rude' thread https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6328855631495168/ponderings-worldly-person
i've had a theory for a long time that jws historically have appealed to people who have been displaced or find themselves in a new environment away from family and friends.
i also read an article recently that suggested that internal migration in italy was a big boost for jw growth.
more generally it has long been theorised that new religious movements are a phenomenon particularly associated with disruptive features of modernity, including the hyper-mobility of people in the modern age.
There are exceptions that prove the rule but generally they fall into several categories;
Born ins
People who's own life was that unhappy they embraced tne love bombing of a congregation as a new family
People who have 'lost' something or someone and are looking for 'answers'
People who like to be big fish in small ponds and lord it over others.
oh the irony!.
i have noticed several times, that a business, owned by an elder who used to be at bethel as a young guy, advertises here!.
ok, before i get shot down, i understand that ads are generated somehow by key words on the page etc...(perhaps someone can explain it properly?).
Does he have a business running russian escort girls?
so i was talking with my daughter the other day and she tells me that she doesn't want me to push my beliefs on her.i am agnostic.
which isn't a belief.
it's a lack of belief.
You say she's a teenager but not how old - if she's 13 and living under your roof then that's different to her been 19 and living somewhere else.
Ultimately she has to make her own mind up - yes you can have conversations where you encourage her to think for herself but if if you come up against something she believes in then she will entrench and you'll make matters worse.
You catch more flies with jam than you do with vinegar.
It's okay to express an opinion without it being taken personally.
You haven't got the hang of this internet lark yet have you? ;)
the whole world is rigged, whether its religious tribunals or local police enforcement, those who are paid by god or government are the enforcers .
should you talk to elders... well imagine that brooklyn had ordered these men to df anyone who says anything against the slave.
do you stand a chance , religious zealots are the most ruthless throughout history, look into it , it's scary to think we believed a magazine that we thought came from god .
Scenario 1
Elder: Well, brother smith, it's been a while since we've seen you at the meeting?
B. Smith: <shakes head ruefully> I know, it's just been really busy at work and I'm struggling tro get there.
Elder: Well, you know how important the meetings are, don't you?
B. Smith: Yes brother, I'll try harder.
Elder: Good, I'm pleased we've had this opportunity to chat.
Scenario 2
Elder: Well, brother smith, it's been a while since we've seen you at the meeting?
B. Smith : Thanks for enquiring brother but I have my own personal and private reasons for not going.
Elder: Hmm, that sounds worrying brother smith, anything we can help with?
B. Smith: No thank you, my reasons are private.
Elder: Okay brother smith <runs off to huddle with other elders>
If you want to fade, then do it without raising suspicion.
If you want to go out in a blaze of glory then just do it.