Brexit was similar in the U.K. - extremely polarising
Posts by Landy
Nothing like politics or religion to bring out "the best" in us huh
by Sanchy ini've never seen so many friends and even family members tearing each other up as i've seen happen during this election.
i've literally seen a ton of posts in fb today of ppl asking to be unfriended by any who voted for a particular candidate.
what america looks like today: .
What Percentage Of The Governing Body Are Pedofiles?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe reason i ask this is because we heard reports that greenlees was kicked out of bethel because he was one and then we heard reports that another one, jaracz i believe was one all though it sounds kind of iffy to me.. 2 out of i don't how many total gb seems kind of high so i'm thinking that perhaps the percentage is quite higher as this would explain to a degree why the gb have written in clauses to keep the organization from reporting them to authorities.. it is true that part of the reason they remain silent to authorities is because of the reproach it brings to their precious corporation but i think that is only a small part of the reason and perhaps there might be a bigger reason maybe quite a few have been over powered by their darker side and have engaged in this behavior but because of denial and delusion they will not confess and willingly encourage cover ups.. just speculation i know but i'm starting to think that there is a very dark side to all of these guys hidden by their persona(jungian) that is making them stoop so low as to implement these very bad policies..
Threads like these just play into the idea that those who leave the society are "mentally diseased" and "untruthful"
Editing posts
by Landy inany particular reason the edit post facilty isnt working.
it lets me edit my dodgy typing skills but it doesn't save the changes..
I'm using firefox/win 8. It's the same on laptop and PC.
Editing posts
by Landy inany particular reason the edit post facilty isnt working.
it lets me edit my dodgy typing skills but it doesn't save the changes..
Any particular reason the edit post facilty isnt working. It lets me edit my dodgy typing skills but it doesn't save the changes.
What Percentage Of The Governing Body Are Pedofiles?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe reason i ask this is because we heard reports that greenlees was kicked out of bethel because he was one and then we heard reports that another one, jaracz i believe was one all though it sounds kind of iffy to me.. 2 out of i don't how many total gb seems kind of high so i'm thinking that perhaps the percentage is quite higher as this would explain to a degree why the gb have written in clauses to keep the organization from reporting them to authorities.. it is true that part of the reason they remain silent to authorities is because of the reproach it brings to their precious corporation but i think that is only a small part of the reason and perhaps there might be a bigger reason maybe quite a few have been over powered by their darker side and have engaged in this behavior but because of denial and delusion they will not confess and willingly encourage cover ups.. just speculation i know but i'm starting to think that there is a very dark side to all of these guys hidden by their persona(jungian) that is making them stoop so low as to implement these very bad policies..
HLC and privacy rights
by StarTrekAngel insome time ago i used to work at a hospital.
when my family members would receive treatment at this place, often times they would ask me if i could look up information for them regarding their health.
i always had to tell them that privacy laws did not allow me to bypass the hospital's administration.
As I say, I'm not sure how it works in the US, but here if you suspected a nurse or doctor had acted in that way you would raise a complaint with the NMC who would undertake an investigation, IT records would be obtained and that person would be investigated and questioned. It still might be difficult to prove but they would have to tell outright lies to get out of it.
HLC and privacy rights
by StarTrekAngel insome time ago i used to work at a hospital.
when my family members would receive treatment at this place, often times they would ask me if i could look up information for them regarding their health.
i always had to tell them that privacy laws did not allow me to bypass the hospital's administration.
If someone accesses medical records or passses medical info on to any third party then they should be sacked, or if they are a nurse or doctor then they should be struck off. I'm sure the US will be the same, but if it happened in the UK, the nurse would be removed from the NMC register and would not be allowed to work as a nurse any more.
HLC and privacy rights
by StarTrekAngel insome time ago i used to work at a hospital.
when my family members would receive treatment at this place, often times they would ask me if i could look up information for them regarding their health.
i always had to tell them that privacy laws did not allow me to bypass the hospital's administration.
In the U.K., the HLC would have to be invited in by the patient or patients next of kin.
Even then, they are treated with the utmost suspicion by the medical staff and they will make sure no undue influence is made.
if the patient is under18 there would be a court order obtained pdq if it's thought blood may be an issue.
So.....Blended VS Single Malt
by ctrwtf injust wondering.
for you scotch lovers, i've been partial to singles for a long time, but was recently given a bottle of johnnie walker green.
i think i've fallen in love.
I used to like a nice peaty whiskey, Talisker etc. I'm now gravitating towards the eastern ones, Tomatin, as mentioned up there, is a beaut.
Why take it personally?
by stuckinarut2 ina random thought occurred to me today.. i actually feel genuinely sorry for witnesses who cut contact with ones they feel are no longer "spiritual" .. they do this based not on anything that the person has actually done to them personally, but due to an imposed view from the society.. it must play havoc with their inner conscience as they try and reconcile that the person they cut off has not actually done anything to harm them, but they have to view them as evil.. it reminded me of this thread i started some time back.
Not so sure that they do, by and large, feel remorse for treating disfellowshipped ones like pariahs.
In my experience the majority of witnesses are very superior and holier than thou and loved a reason to look down on others.