My cooking
Thankful for small mercies I suppose ;)
i am interested in finding out on a small scale the extent of which shunning has impacted on you personally.. my own experience is that when i faded about 12 years ago.
the woman whose house the book study was held at (and who was virtually a neighbour) walked right past me in my own street.
i remember it so well.
My cooking
Thankful for small mercies I suppose ;)
Lol @ Freddo
thanks - it sounds totally different from what it used to be like when I went. I didn't think it was possible to make it worse but it sounds as though they've had a bloody good go.
1 2017 says on its back page.
the saharan silver ant (cataglyphis bombycina) is one of the most heat-tolerant land animals known.
I think the problem your up against Perry is that most people on this forum have actually read the book and realise its a crock of @$#@.Maybe you should campaign in countries where information is not so readily available and you may get a better growth rate in followers--- thats what Watchtower do
But fair.
So what does the midweek meeting consist of now? When I went it was the school, which was the 1,2,3,4, and fifth talks (I think) and then the KM. It lasted about 1.45.
just saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Funny thing about immigration from the countries currently "banned" in the middle east, most all of us would not be welcome there, we would not get deported for walking down their streets, we would get kidnapped, tortured, then beheaded on TV. Now, this is not necessarily from ISIS or Al Queda either. Our being cautious with people possessing such abhorrent ideologies is not racist.
Perhaps - I read a lot of motorcycle travel books and the overwhelming majority tend to say how welcoming and hospitable the people of the middle east are. My own experience of the muslim countries I've visited has been very positive.
Even if what you say is true - and I can accept it may be, especially in places where British and US bombs have levelled the place - it doesn't mean we have to aim for the bottom in being like them.
1 2017 says on its back page.
the saharan silver ant (cataglyphis bombycina) is one of the most heat-tolerant land animals known.
thereare lots of questions religion and current discoveries don't answer yet so I wouldn't push my barrow as the only one...
And if you were an ancient Mayan you would have been offering up sacrifices to the gods to make your crops grow.
Science has a track record of getting there in the end - we've no reason to doubt that progress will continue providing demonstrable, observable explanations for those pieces that aren't quite fitting together as yet.
Do we think it's a fake page then? If so the content seems very innocuous.
fyi from north-east england:.
jehovah's witness abused girls after luring them with video games, court told.
if the abused tell the eldera the elders should report it but if the accused tells the elders they enter into a legal area where they need legal advice and depending on the statutes of the law may not be able to report.
I'm not sure of law in the US, but in the UK the elders don't enjoy the clergy privilege of confidentiality.
i'm a 4th generation jw.
i started to realize it wasn't the truth over 2 years ago in late october/early november 2014. i don't know how exactly it happened.
i remember i had just heard about confirmation bias, and it hit me: i realized that i would be guilty of confirmation bias if i didn't look at the other side.
I am overly empathetic when it comes to not upsetting my family, I really can't stand the thought of bringing my mom to tears.
That's a nice quality. If possible try to avoid any confrontations with her. I think you'll find that once you start college the fade will happen naturally.
Also be careful talking to your aunt. She's not going to tell you anything you don't already know and she may feel that she has to approach your mother about it. Keep your cards close to your chest, don't get caught in what they term 'gross sin', and live your life. The rest will happen naturally.
Good luck.
at the meeting today, we were reading the watchtower and this elder apologetically said to such a degree in regards to romans 5:12 that "we humans are not worthy of any mercy from jehovah.
we shouldn't even have free will because we can't possibly do anything good enough to please jehovah.
we don't even deserve life because of sin.
I've seen a few, younger crowd, as I do often, just looking up other stuff on my tablet while the meeting is going on.
I wish we had tablets and internet access when I was a teenager there - we had to make do with drawing semi rude pictures in the watchtower margins or reading the other articles in the awake.