Currently my two youngest children are a white minority in their classes, the teaching staff are slowly being replaced by multi language speakers (which stands to reason) and the school governors are now 50% non-white
And that's a problem because?
A sex grooming gang of paedophilic Asian men made the national news and they used a flat above a shop , in view of my house (~100 metres away.) Most of them got away with it. The story has been published in a book called 'I never gave my consent'. My wife's former employer was told to sell his business to an Asian businessman and then was beaten up and robbed. He sold. The same happened to the local autorepair company - its now Asian owned. My wife gets weekly abuse in her current job - mainly from Asian , male youths (not exclusively but mainly.) The local drug dealers are based around the Asian taxi firm which is just around the corner from my house where they run an illegal repair shop from a private dwelling. Each night Asian youths park up around the house smoking and dealing.
Criminals are criminals because they are criminals, not because they are a different race to you. Go to another town and the local feral youths will all be white.
So this is what I mean - the incumbent population are being replaced.
You don't seem to mind when it's the poles replacing the incumbent population, but you seem to think it's a problem when the darkies are doing it.