Posts by Landy
When you were an active WT door knocker... How did you knock?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inon the door frame, on the door, door knocker, bell.. loud, very loud, regular, soft... gentle... or just pretended and never knocked at all?
we just had a city worker come a knocking on our front door and my responce after she left was, she should go down to the local kingdom haul and give lessons.
her knock was so loud, she could raise the dead.
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
If the same laws and protections we enjoy in the west were applied in Muslim countries their crime statistics would be off the scale.
That's a hell of an assumption and not my experience. I've visited a fair few Muslim countries and also am friends with someone who's ridden their bike through eastern turkey and Syria and never felt threatened. Anecdotal I realise , but still an indication.
I realise there are countries where women's rights and the treatment of women (Iran in particular) is shocking.
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
Except that (and the point you don't seem able to grasp) while the race isn't a DIRECT influencer on them being criminal or high earner or whatever, the CULTURE and ATTITUDES that their RACE may be more likely to promote can be more of a direct causal factor in their behavior and outcomes.
Ok then, if we follow your reasoning then the crime rates in the countries they originate from should be astronomical shouldn't it?
Here's a per capita comparison
Strangely, I don't see many Muslim countries at the top of the list. Even that hotbed of immigrant psychopaths Syria, had a murder rate of less than half of the US, Perhaps Syria should shut its borders to to the murders and criminals from the US?
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
The law says that you have to go to school in this country (you can home school but it's not encouraged.) The schools are a place where we - as a nation - are in a race to install common ideas of equal rights, respect and tolerance. One day I hope they'll add critical thinking to the curriculum but for now the community has to do what it can, at a high cost, with those it is in the care of.
I liked that post because I wholeheartedly agree with it.
But the picture that some paint would have us believe that the immigrants only respect sharia law and have no concept of or willingness to obey secular law.
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
Being poor might explain theft of food but it doesn't explain many other crimes including crimes against people. How does rape help anyone pay their rent for instance?
You do seem to have a bee in your bonnet about this. Have there been instances where a group of Asians have been involved in organised abuse. Yes. Have there been instances where groups of white people have engaged in organised abuse. Yes.
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
Where were we? Oh yeah, somehow we're now supposed to excuse other people's criminal behavior because they are living in poverty? It really depends on why and what choices people make. Being poor might explain theft of food but it doesn't explain many other crimes including crimes against people. How does rape help anyone pay their rent for instance?
I don't recall saying it had to be excused because they were poor - I said it was more likely to be more of a causative factor in criminal behaviour than the fact they are Asian. Especially with regard to drug addiction and acquisitive crime to feed it.
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
So do you think your statistics show that the ethnic minority population in your area is also the poorest, many living in poverty? Could that have more of a causative effect on their perceived behaviour rather than their race?
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
I'm cherry picking the points to illustrate the basic idea that educational attainment and resource allocations change when the community is experiencing a large non-integrating immigration.
Is this the large non-integrating immigration that are integrating their kids into school?
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
Think whatever you want.
My wife and I went out for a meal with one of her work colleagues and her husband last week. They were both Muslim and from Iraq. She's a nurse and he works in IT. It's weird but all through the evening I never felt the need to berate their religion or tell them how much more likely to be criminals they were than us much more civilised whiteys.
When I walk down the street it and see a person with a different skin colour it's nice to smile and assume that they are just a normal person like me trying to make a living and enjoy life. Call me a tree hugger and naive - I'm absolutely fine with that given the alternative.
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
Not because of color, but because of behavior as you point out.
The problem is that you happen to be singling out a race and correlating any criminal behaviour an individual may commit to being caused by their race. The fact is they commit criminal behaviour because they are a criminal - not because their skin happens to be dark.