Interesting topic. I would first ask what exactly do you mean by
How much a poster dislikes the WTBS I suppose. For whatever reason.
As others have posted, it's not that in black and white. I have
no respect for the WT organization, and other than this forum I don't
think much about it (unless I have to talk about my upbringing). I'm not
in a campaign against them, and I'm not interested in convincing anyone
about what I believe, nor my stand or opinions about them. Also, since I
am in the USA, I protect their right to exist as a religious
organization, as that's how I protect mine.
That's pretty much me. I haven't been to a meeting for over twenty years and I haven't really given them a thought until I got sucked in to this place. Now I stay just to piss off data dog ;)
More importantly, to
me being anti-JW means keeping them in my life, which is the opposite of
what I prefer to do. In order for me to be "anti" them, I need to keep
myself updated with whatever nonsense they come up with. My path is
about minimizing their influence and relevance in my life, so remaining
up to date and keeping up with their crap creates a negative impact in
my well being.
Again that's what I feel. Coming here does me no favours tbh. It's almost as if I'm an ex-jw again :(
We are different people, with different experiences, even as
JWs we had different experiences. They treat women differently, they
treat the LGBTQ differently, they treat children differently, so the
degree of influence is different. Hence, your scale may not make sense
as you presented it. Though I think this is an interesting topic.
I think that's what I'm trying to get at. The most common emotion on here seems to be bitterness. If some one is DF'd or similar then they are going to be a lot more anti-jw than I am as someone who simply stopped going. I agree that it's perhaps not a simple as a 1-10 scale but a person's feelings toward the JWs can be a cummulative amalgam of all their experiences and feelings.