Viv's Law: anytime someone uses the word "quantum" in an effort to prove a higher power, you can be 100% certain that person doesn't know what either of those things mean.
Well, I do and I don't. Both at the same time.
And a cat.
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Viv's Law: anytime someone uses the word "quantum" in an effort to prove a higher power, you can be 100% certain that person doesn't know what either of those things mean.
Well, I do and I don't. Both at the same time.
And a cat.
i thought i'd spend some time cleaning up the forum code and wanted to let you know about some of the recent changes and fixes:.
the avatars and in-post images used to use a separate imaging service which was convenient but didn't provide much control over caching which meant that each day you visited the site you were probably re-downloading those images again.
as they are immutable they can be cached for a long time which saves bandwidth and speeds things up.
Top of my wish list is an easier way to quote (quote or multi quote button at the bottom of a post).
Also a simple one, when clicking a link to another site can it open in a new tab rather than navigate away from the site?
i have argued with several jws who are now being trained to deny the org ever said the end in 75, what is your approach?.
One of my earliest memories is of the CO banging the lectern '1975 will soon be here ....'
hello all,i have just signed up to do a comedy course.
it starts in order to get a headstart, i did my first 5 minutes tonight about jws.i explained that i celebrated my first birthday last week.
bemusement and a tittle.explained that if you could choose between hare krishnas and people standing at a trolley/cart as a religion who would you choose?got a laugh.explained that the whole world will be destroyed if you do not listen to our message, yet we are not prepared to initiate a conversation at a trolley.big laugh.
What BB said - it's too narrow and you'll die on your arse.
terri o'sullivan was interviewed by croydon radio for a programme called "leap of faith", it was broadcast on sunday.. she does a great job of showing how wacky and weird the jw beliefs and practices are, the interviewer asks perceptive questions, either he was well briefed by terri or he is an ex jw !.
she also gives info.
on her meetup group for xjw's, great fun !.
Totally agree and understand it's reasonable not to share everything. But the point was actually emphasised that the reason for being thrown out and totally shunned was missing just two meetings and coming home late once. That makes JWs seem even more crazy than I have experienced them to be. It does seem a bit incredible to be honest. It should be possible to keep private details private without going out of the way to make JWs appear even more extreme than they are.
It is a fair point and one that crossed my mind as I was typing my reply.
terri o'sullivan was interviewed by croydon radio for a programme called "leap of faith", it was broadcast on sunday.. she does a great job of showing how wacky and weird the jw beliefs and practices are, the interviewer asks perceptive questions, either he was well briefed by terri or he is an ex jw !.
she also gives info.
on her meetup group for xjw's, great fun !.
Her JW mum threw her and her sister out of the house after she missed just two meetings and came home late once. She reported 90 hours field service the month before, but the elders told everyone to ignore her because she came home late and missed two meetings. Then she moved into the spare room of a male colleague she had never spent time with outside work before. That's a pretty sudden and extreme sequence of events.
I suspect there was a bit more to the story, but not something she wanted to share on the radio, which is fair enough.
terri o'sullivan was interviewed by croydon radio for a programme called "leap of faith", it was broadcast on sunday.. she does a great job of showing how wacky and weird the jw beliefs and practices are, the interviewer asks perceptive questions, either he was well briefed by terri or he is an ex jw !.
she also gives info.
on her meetup group for xjw's, great fun !.
Just had a listen - she came across very well. Articulate and sensible.
and they start delivering their message of judgment?
what do you think will happen when they start knocking on doors and telling people that their families will be killed in armageddon because they did not believed in jehovah.
i'm curious how people will react.
I didn't think they would preach a message of judgement? I thought the plan was to stop preaching before the GT?
Or is that old light?
i remember sitting on my daddy's lap and driving an imaginary car, i also remember sitting on my mummies lap on the front seat, without a seat belt whilst my dad drove a real car.
i remember we bought fish and chips from the chippy wrapped in yesterday's newspapers.
i remember bouncing up and down on my space hopper in the garden.
The strange things is, despite all the crap we used to get up to, I can't ever remember anyone getting even mildly hurt.
I remember bumps and bruises and having to get an ambulance once cos someone broke a leg*, but that was it and we did some daft stuff. Kids were made by tonka** in the 70s.
*Near my house we had some woods, bordering the woods was a dry beck and a cornfield. After the farmer cut the corn we used to pinch the hay and fill the beck with it. We used to then pretend we were Lee Majors in The Fall Guy and jump out of the tree and land in the piled up hay. A few 'I dare you's' later and we were jumping from 20ft up. It was all going swimmingly until one lad missed the hay pile ......
**Another 70s throwback :)
this really works.
i've already applied the basics of this with one elder who "offered" us a shepherding visit.
we've been totally ignored since!!!
Even easier to agree with everything they say and promise you'll try harder to get the meetings etc. Then just stop going.
But it's definitely a case of loose lips sink ships. Any hint of apostasy and they'll be on you like flies on shit.