Does he have a business running russian escort girls?
Posts by Landy
An elder's business is advertising on this site!
by stuckinarut2 inoh the irony!.
i have noticed several times, that a business, owned by an elder who used to be at bethel as a young guy, advertises here!.
ok, before i get shot down, i understand that ads are generated somehow by key words on the page etc...(perhaps someone can explain it properly?).
Daughter doesn't want me to push my beliefs on her
by jws inso i was talking with my daughter the other day and she tells me that she doesn't want me to push my beliefs on her.i am agnostic.
which isn't a belief.
it's a lack of belief.
You say she's a teenager but not how old - if she's 13 and living under your roof then that's different to her been 19 and living somewhere else.
Ultimately she has to make her own mind up - yes you can have conversations where you encourage her to think for herself but if if you come up against something she believes in then she will entrench and you'll make matters worse.
You catch more flies with jam than you do with vinegar.
Louise Good you are such a hoot. I just couldn't stop laughing. You made my day. Thank you.
by joe134cd in
It's okay to express an opinion without it being taken personally.
You haven't got the hang of this internet lark yet have you? ;)
Should I talk to elders?
by Chook inthe whole world is rigged, whether its religious tribunals or local police enforcement, those who are paid by god or government are the enforcers .
should you talk to elders... well imagine that brooklyn had ordered these men to df anyone who says anything against the slave.
do you stand a chance , religious zealots are the most ruthless throughout history, look into it , it's scary to think we believed a magazine that we thought came from god .
Scenario 1
Elder: Well, brother smith, it's been a while since we've seen you at the meeting?
B. Smith: <shakes head ruefully> I know, it's just been really busy at work and I'm struggling tro get there.
Elder: Well, you know how important the meetings are, don't you?
B. Smith: Yes brother, I'll try harder.
Elder: Good, I'm pleased we've had this opportunity to chat.
Scenario 2
Elder: Well, brother smith, it's been a while since we've seen you at the meeting?
B. Smith : Thanks for enquiring brother but I have my own personal and private reasons for not going.
Elder: Hmm, that sounds worrying brother smith, anything we can help with?
B. Smith: No thank you, my reasons are private.
Elder: Okay brother smith <runs off to huddle with other elders>
If you want to fade, then do it without raising suspicion.
If you want to go out in a blaze of glory then just do it.
Should I talk to elders?
by Chook inthe whole world is rigged, whether its religious tribunals or local police enforcement, those who are paid by god or government are the enforcers .
should you talk to elders... well imagine that brooklyn had ordered these men to df anyone who says anything against the slave.
do you stand a chance , religious zealots are the most ruthless throughout history, look into it , it's scary to think we believed a magazine that we thought came from god .
It's easier to agree with everything they say and just blame work for not being able to go the meetings or meet with them - they'll soon get sick and be less suspicious.
Debating With Evolution Deniers is Just Like This
by cofty inarguing with those who reject scientific evidence can be like arguing about football; just as angry and passionate, but the goalposts keep moving, and one team doesn't exist.. read more here....
By the way the topic is how frustrating it is trying to hold a rational conversation with a creationist. Ha!
Asked and answered I reckon ;)
Lying In Wait At a Bed & Breakfast
by Cold Steel ina few years ago while traveling in the northeast, my wife and i stopped in new haven, connecticut, at a b&b we'd reserved for the night.
no sooner had we unpacked and moved into the living room for tea and treats, our hosts began to talk about religion, and we learned they were jehovah's witnesses.
i didn't mind so much, but my wife was outraged that our hosts would use their place of business as a launching point to do missionary work.
I don't think they'd allow my male partner and me to stay in the first place. So, from that point of view, I don't think I would strike that kind of problem of finding out my hosts were JWs. I guess that's another good thing about being gay, huh?
They wouldn't bake you a cake either!
Edit - sorry, if you're not uk based you may not get that reference.
Debating With Evolution Deniers is Just Like This
by cofty inarguing with those who reject scientific evidence can be like arguing about football; just as angry and passionate, but the goalposts keep moving, and one team doesn't exist.. read more here....
CBS - seriously?
So, do you think that doctors are prescribing antibiotics in the mistaken hope that they will cure a virus based RTI - or do you think that doctors are prescribing antibiotics as a placebo or to help with a secondary bacterial infection?
Lying In Wait At a Bed & Breakfast
by Cold Steel ina few years ago while traveling in the northeast, my wife and i stopped in new haven, connecticut, at a b&b we'd reserved for the night.
no sooner had we unpacked and moved into the living room for tea and treats, our hosts began to talk about religion, and we learned they were jehovah's witnesses.
i didn't mind so much, but my wife was outraged that our hosts would use their place of business as a launching point to do missionary work.
Put your experience on TripAdvisor so no one else are subjected to the same treatment.
beat me to it!
I won't be here for awhile
by Quarterback innot too sure how long it will be, but i think that i will not be in a position to look at this site.. i met some cool friends on here.
i enjoyed having the speedy access to the private correspondence before the elders.
thanks atlantis, and all those that have had a share in this.
Not too sure how long it will be, but I think that I will not be in a position to look at this site.
Her Majesty's pleasure?