Which court is it being heard in?
Posts by Landy
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
Worship of Men and Emphasis on Titles
by HereIgo ini remember a few years back at a circuit assembly, a few bros were introducing themselves to the co, they made sure to mention that they were an ms or an elder from such and such cong.
i was also an ms, but was the only one that introduced themselves by just my first name.
i was so irritated and blown away at the arrogance by these bros, trying to impress men with titles!
If I was at a different congregation people used to ask what position I had in my congregation.
I used to take perverse pleasure in saying, 'Just a common publisher brother, just a common publisher'.
Potential Muslim convert
by StopTheTears inabout a month ago, i purchased arabic/english gospels of john that contain a commentary for muslims.. .
i went to one of my neighbors and spoke to him and gave him one.
fast forward to today, my brakes need done so i took my car to the shop, walking back into my street i saw my friend abdullah outside.. .
Christianity is far more evil than Islam. Just look at the numbers, the sheer millions who have been killed in the name of the Christian god.
The thing is, Christianity, by and large, has managed to evolve away from that. There's parts of the Muslim world that haven't managed that yet.
Were Conventions, Asemblies and the Memorials boring to you?
by HereIgo inconventions always just seemed like more of a vacation to me than anything else, especially if you had to travel out of town for it, but definitely were exhausting especially toward the end of each day.
for some reason i didn't mind the special and circuit assemblies too much, probably because they seemed like more of a social event than anything else and only 1-2 days.
the memorial always was kind of boring to me.
On the whole I liked conventions, because, for a young person, I was strangely interested in things like
four-part symposiums on the prophet Habakkuk and new light on Daniel's prophecy and so ongirls -
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
Just what exactly is she taking them to court for? For resigning from their jobs?
i can see that going a long way.
I am deeply ashamed that I didn't accept evolution until a few years ago...
by ILoveTTATT2 inso... i live in mexico and i am helping with an esl class (english as a second language).
actually, i am helping with two classes.
i get two days a week in which i just stand there and have a debate with the class, encouraging as many as possible to just talk... in english.. anyways, i like talking about subjects that generate debate.
I don't know if life first sprouted up in the hydrothermal vents. Better minds than mine think it may have done, but as you say, it's not (as far as I know) a definite theory. But that's fine, not knowing things is good. Gives us (the royal us, not me) something to work on. That's why science is so good, over time it generally gets there in the end, and without resorting to the god of the gaps.
I am deeply ashamed that I didn't accept evolution until a few years ago...
by ILoveTTATT2 inso... i live in mexico and i am helping with an esl class (english as a second language).
actually, i am helping with two classes.
i get two days a week in which i just stand there and have a debate with the class, encouraging as many as possible to just talk... in english.. anyways, i like talking about subjects that generate debate.
Cofty, hydrothermal vents would be the last place on earth where life would originate. As I said before, it probably one of the most inhospitable places on the planet
Yet, lots of things live there - whodathunkit.
Final Rejection
by Disassociated Lady 2 ini have just returned from visiting friends and family.
when i was disassociated my parents had contact with me a few months before my dad was diagnosed with cancer.
i was reinstated 20 months after his funeral and then they disfellowshipped me 5 months later as they are convinced i had not changed my life enough to be a jw again.
You can choose your friends ..... :(
Advanced Warning I - WT August 2016 "Study" articles re "Reaching Out"
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthe brief outline for this item makes reference to the most recent wt on the subject of "reaching out" (august 2016 - pages 20 - 29) if you are a jehovah's witness and thinking about becoming a ministerial servant or elder, then please consider the following information prior to attending the kh for this week’s wt “study” and the week after.
first - if you hope to become an elder, in the uk you will also become a charitable trustee.
you will not be given any training for this part of your role.
I understand that, if you were an elder still, you would formally withdraw from being a trustee (ie the congregation secretary would not just delete you, but a letter would be written to the Charity Commission.)
And presumably if you were to be made an elder (ie what would have been a new trustee), a letter would to sent to the CC confirming you were not a trustee.
Good info - thanks DS
JW Carts Cause Thousands to Start Studying!!!
by Drifting Away ini would love to know the stats of how many hours were spent, standing by a cart, or sitting at a local town fair with jw table tent set up, compared to the number of bible studies started that led to baptism since the inception of the carts.
anyone have any idea?
if i had to guess i would say thousands of hours pent standing by a cart, and maybe less then 5 that actually got baptized.
I saw one last week at a major tourist spot, hundreds of people milling around and not one went near the cart.
We were there for an hour or so and the JWs manning the cart spent most of the time playing with their phones.