It appears you are really not interested in knowing or understanding other poster's thoughts. Instead of quietly considering feedback provided, you continually disregard, debate and oppose those views. No matter what is stated, you take exception when it doesn't support your viewpoint or the interests of WT.
This is an Internet forum - expect your opinion to be challenged. If you can't take that or back it up then don't fucking comment.
When you're quite finished telling me what opinion I'm allowed to have why don't you pop over to Simon's immigration thread where he's arguing black is white and tell him what opinion he's allowed to have. When you're done with that pop over to one of Cofty's excellent evolution threads (the main reason I visit here tbh) and tell him he's not allowed to hold the opinion he does.
And I haven't set foot in a KH for 20 years - I don't hate them or love them - I'm entirely ambivalent towards them.
For fuck's sake.