[quote] How can this be since if Jesus was created by God
Where in the Bible does it say HE was created?
i printed these questions from a website long ago, and loved them to death cuz they freed me from that god-forsaken religion.
i challenge any witness to answer all of them in their entirety, since the true religion stands against all falsehood.
please note that these are from scriptures in the new world translation, used by jehovah's witnesses.
[quote] How can this be since if Jesus was created by God
Where in the Bible does it say HE was created?
the divine pattern...4 (four) steps to follow: .
yes, it should just say, "you," as in the "anointed seed" of israel, the anointed of god, that was the "jew," or the "man," that god had chosen to lead the nations of the abrahamic covenant.
abrahamic covenant people..."ten men out of all nations," "holding on to the skirt of a jew.
When earthling man stops relying on the written law, the hand-written document, the Law written on stone tablets... and learns to 'come to', 'listen to' and 'obey the voice' of the 'one who speaks to us... FROM THE HEAVENS...' to walk NOT by sight... or by flesh... BUT BY SPIRIT...
You got that from the Bible. I thought we were supposed to stop reading it. You would never have known how to misapply it unless you read it yourself too, right? Right.
that was my first question to god.. why?.
does anybody have any understanding on this question?.
[quote] Jehovah would have been justified in destroying Satan
Need to go deeper than that I think RR. The "What if" teaching...is a JW teaching if I recollect, and too superficial.
All good, no bad, no law against bad. Justice has to have LAW.
Dig this. Before Satan defected, God only needed and had two qualities. LOVE and POWER.
But what about Wisdom and Justice you say? Well, think about it. Justice is a quality that is ONLY needed when weighing in the scales of good and bad. Penalize the bad, and reward the good. If there is NO bad or unrighteousness, there is no need to apply justice for the good. EVERYTHING would be good. God had no scales of Justice regarding "BAD" before the Satanic convulsion, because there was NO BAD. In order to ENFORCE JUSTICE there positively needs to be LAW. NO LAW, NO JUSTICE. NO Transgression revealed. No Punishment.
WISDOM is the ability to DISCERN what is good and bad, so that JUSTICE can be applied. If there is no bad, then there is nothing to be discerned, as everything is good. God had no Wisdom in regards to Justice, as there was no bad in the creation before the Satanic corruption. JUSTICE AND WISDOM are qualities and attributes needed when there is bad in the world.
The first Law God EVER made was: In the day you eat from it you will positively die.
It was broken, punishment administered. Right in front of Satan's eyes. The Law of obedience was no joke.
Before Satan? Love. Along with that everything good of which there is NO LAW.
Gal 5:22-24
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
The above text was heaven before the Satanic convulsion. NO LAW.
that was my first question to god.. why?.
does anybody have any understanding on this question?.
with out a duelistic experience there is no good. there is only what is. light without darkness is bliding and we can not see.
First, your thinking physical. Leave it, go spiritual.
Next, there WAS a dualistic experience. Father and Son. All Good.
You think like that (black/white) because that is all you know and see around you. God created the physical world in symbol of the Light/Dark contrast between God and Satan. Since you are finite and that is all you have seen and known, thats all you think there is. BUT, scripture says there is no darkness in God at all. None. Not even a seed. If we say God had to at least known the difference between good and bad BEFORE SATAN, that means the existence of a "bad seed" IN God. Can't be true. That does not negate that God could not recognize RESISTENCE when it came up. Even God's eyes were "opened" like Adam and Eves at one specific point. Then God KNEW Good and "Evil" for the first time.
Satan was a rebel BEFORE Genesis 1:1. Before physical creation.
Satan was clamouring that God was Bad and He was good.
Isa 5:20
20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
Go to Genesis. Why would God want recorded, and "God saw that it was good?" Could there be any doubt? Could God create any bad? No of course not. Then why that statement? Because Satan was saying everything God creates is BAD and everything Satan does is GOOD, even while he was creating it. See the text in Isaiah above.
Satan is corruption. While Satan was in existence, God knew the corruption would spread. God knew Adam and Eve were going to be corrupted by Satan. Right from the beginning of Satan having his "I AM A GOD" convulsion, God had the WHOLE plan layed out.
Out of the corruption and bad that Satan was spreading, would come something GOOD. Jesus Christ, who was chosen BEFORE THE FOUNDING OF THE WORLD, and was predestined to die in order to have Satan destroyed.
2 Tim 1:9-10
This grace{this word of forgiveness means there was a problem of SIN BEFORE creating Adam and Eve}was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,
Eph 1:4
4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.
Even sinful imperfect Paul and the Ephesians were "chosen" before Genesis 1:1, in Christ.
1 Peter 1:19-20
Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 20 He was chosen before the creation of the world,
Eph 1:11-12
11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the PLAN of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,
Rom 8:30
30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
Individual justification. It will be needed for those that are "called" and imparted with the real story.
I'm predestined, are you?
that was my first question to god.. why?.
does anybody have any understanding on this question?.
It's a tough question, but I needed a really logical answer. This is what I got..
Rom 4:15, "And where there is no law, there is no transgression."
Rom 5:13 "...But sin is not taken into account when there is no law."
Without any law for "bad," God could do NOTHING to Satan immediately, as there were NO LAWS that he was breaking. None.
This is how I have come to understand. Before Satanic rebellion there was ONLY good. Nothing BAD at all whatsoever.
So, in the passing of existence in the spiritual domain, all was GOOD until Satan began HIS own creating of bad. He is responsible for ALL THAT IS BAD. Even the CONCEPT. An all Good God would not even have had the infinitely smallest iota of the CONCEPT of bad within him.
1 John 1:5, "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; <b>in him there is no darkness at all</b>."
God would not have even used His omniscience at this point as there was no NEED for it. Everything was good. Omniscience is a tool God uses to guarantee his will and purposes are fulfilled. Without bad in the creation, good could only come to be. But, bad gets in the way of good. That's when God needs to use omniscience in order to look beyond the bad and see that all He wants is accomplished. That also means foreordination.
As evil, corrupt and flagrantly malicious Satan's attacks were, first on God, then onto Adam and Eve, there was nothing God could do immediately, because there was NO LAW against what he was doing. As the Bible states above, "where there is NO LAW, there is no transgression," and "sin is not taken into account when there is NO LAW."
Put on your spiritual eyes. Before Satan left the Way of Love, everything was Good. If you go back to the beginning, before ALL creation, all there was was the Father and Son. First, there was only God (Good). THE FIRST LIGHT. Father and Son together in a bond of Agape'. THEY ARE LIGHT. They are a duality in unity, as Head (Father) and Body (Son) OR, a Body (Father) and Seed (Son), even better if you can transcend the physical, they are both at the same time. They are complete in themselves, they lack nothing. Within them is ALL, and ALL is within them. A vortex of enigmatic spirituality. A Supreme Being. Two beings of the only true God nature (LOVE and ETERNITY) in an envelope of singular spirituality bodily. WAY GOOD.
Then they begin to create spirit beings from nothing and out of Love.
BOOM. Masses of spirit beings. ALL is Good. ALL is still Light. ALL is in Love. Until...
Darkness began "covering" and challenging the Light. One creature who was once free to Love ALL, left ALL, including the Love of God, for the love of himself.
What happened to this once good and perfectly good being?
James 1:14-15, "...but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin;..."
Satan's exact thoughts were recorded for us by God in the Bible. God created and used the King of Tyre as the physical representation of what Satan did in the heavenly realm:
Ezek 27:3, "I am perfect in beauty."
I guess the haughty dude stayed in the mirror a bit too long eh? He was thinking way too much of himself. So much so, that in his own mind HE IS GOD. Satan's desire had conceived and given birth to his sin, ASS*UMING god ship. Satan then begins pulling in legions of angels to his side of the issue, that being that any creature that wants to be a god can be a god. Assume god ship for yourself. We are all gods! Do whatever you want.
The spiritual wheeling and dealing between Satan and other fallen angels in this matter of god ship is recorded for us in Ezekiel, depicted as BIG BUSINESS dealings. The other demons even raise him on high, as BUILDING him up as he has shown them THE REAL TRUE FREEDOM. WE ARE ALL GODS! (Ezekiel 27:4-24)
The heavens have now become divided because of the Darkness of the first Lie (I am a god) and the sympathetic followers of that lie (we are all gods).
Ezek 28:2, "In the pride of your heart you say, "I AM a god; I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seas."
The false god Satan sitting on his self made throne with his "seas" of other false gods, in the now spiritually divided heavens.
Ezek 28:17 "Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor."
That's WHY I think a LOVING GOD could do nothing about Satan in the beginning, immediately. BECAUSE THERE WAS NO LAW, against bad. Bad had never come into creation before, so there were no laws for bad, never mind a punishment. Yet.
The Father and Son had a plan.
that was my first question to god.. why?.
does anybody have any understanding on this question?.
That was my first question to God.
Does anybody have any understanding on this question?
1983 "avoid independent thinking .. how is such independent thinking manifested?
a common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by god's visible organization.
" {wt jan 15 1983 22}.
Thanks for the welcome TR!!
Story? More like stories...
They are the most defiled lot I think. My wife and I sometimes just
sit and talk and wonder , HOW? How could we be so duped
for so long?<scratching head>
Actually, I'm not one for "war" stories per say. I prefer not to think about it...I'm just moving forward. But it is hard when there are residuals (Fleshly brother a PO) etc.
Now, I am on my own truth hunt. I have come to the conclusion that ALL man made organized religions are NOT what God wants. We have to approach as individuals, the same way as those in the first century who had a glimmer of faith in Christ did. They went directly to Him. One on one. NO MIDDLE MAN, BULIDING, or ORGANIZATION.
Just because He is gone in the flesh doesn't mean we stop approaching him DIRECTLY right? Now the approach is spiritual. I'll refuse ANY mediator for Christ. That's what JW's are. They are the disgusting thing standing in a Holy Place (Second compartment in the tabernacle and temples). That Holy Place being the position of mediation between corrupt man and the Father, which is Christ's position alone.
well..sorry for filling you CRT...that's just me.
PS. Anyone for some DEEP topics of God? I enjoy sharing my understandings with folks.
1983 "avoid independent thinking .. how is such independent thinking manifested?
a common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by god's visible organization.
" {wt jan 15 1983 22}.
Broke free after 30 long hard years.
1983 "avoid independent thinking .. how is such independent thinking manifested?
a common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by god's visible organization.
" {wt jan 15 1983 22}.
Prov 27:17
17 As iron sharpens iron,
so one man sharpens another.
open minded interchange. God WILL come in.
one of the things that used to annoy me in the new testament was the "believe in jesus" message.
any explainations seemed fuzzy at best so i decided to take a run at it from behind and find the definintion of an un-believer.here is what i came up with and i welcome other opinions.
many of the people around jesus were jews, they walked with him, talked with him, listened to his teachings and witnessed his miracles.
fish begets fish
bird begets bird
animal begets animal
man begets man
God begets God
Nature of all?