>>>[[Father and Son are the complimentary parts of the one God.]]
Are you saying then, that Jesus is a "part" of Yahweh, and that the Father is another "part" of Yahweh? That is, that there two halves of Yahweh that go up to make a whole of Yahweh, as in 1/2 + 1/2 = 1?<<<
No. Each is "whole" in themselves, as the male and female are whole in themselves. The simple equation would be 1+1=1.
>>[[Christ made the assertion HIMSELF. "I and the Father are One."]]
Jesus says nothing at all about God Almighty as two (persons? beings? whatever) in One God.<<
Jesus made that very assertion above in his very simple statement of I and the Father are one. He made that very assertion of ONENESS after his explaination that his sheep are in the hands of BOTH he and the Father.
>>>>Since "hen" (one) here is neuter, Jesus could not have been describing one God (Theos, which is masculine). If Jesus has been speaking of one *Theos*, he would have used the word *heis* instead of *hen*.
I will not argue over simple words and there simple meanings. Christ and the Father are one intellectually and spiritually, as the male aand female are one intellectually and physically. I can very well comprehend what is simply put by Christ and the Apostles.
>>>I was simply asking the question as I am not sure of how you view the being of God. However, in saying the above, are you saying that all the church become part(s) of God Almighty, since they become one with Jesus, whom you claim to be a part of God Almighty?<<<
That is not what I'M saying, that is what Christ himself taught in very simple easy to understand language.
John 17:20-23
20 "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
One can either take the above text face value for what it simply says and teaches, or the high minded highly "educated Christian" will have to read into it elaborated things that are not there in Christ's own simple wprds.
>>The One who appointed Jesus is most definitely higher than Jesus. - 1 Corinthians 15:27.<<
I never said the Father was EVER less than Christ. I profess the reward given to Christ for displaying FULL subjection from the heights of being part of God (the one in subjection),to the very darkness of death (no consciousness), was the Father giving Christ HEADSHIP EQUALITY with the Father, TILL all things are reconciled. Then Christ resubmits himself WILLINGLY under the Father.
>>This sounds as though that by his use of the expression all in all, you believe that Paul was in some way saying that Jesus is God Almighty.<<
I believe in unity, they make up one Almighty God.
>>Actually it speaks of all creation as being in harmony with God.<<
All creation is NOT mentioned. "Everythng" mentioed is regarding other dominion, authority and power. They are done away with. What is left (the chosen) are brought INTO God. So that God is all in all.
>>This does not mean that all creation is or becomes God Almighty, nor does it mean that Jesus is or becomes God Almighty.<<
Why not? Because you say so? I have had enough of that train of logic in my life time. Those chosen WILL become one with God, in FULL unity as Christ literally and plainly taught in the simplest of language.. If you deny it, you obviously aren't of it.
>>Indeed the context shows that the Father is God Almighty who becomes all in all.<<
No it does not.
1 Cor 15:27-28
who put everything under Christ. 28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.
If the Father has put EVERYTHING under Christ, then where is Christ in relation to the Father?? Like, BEFORE this FACT "then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all."
Where was Christ BEFORE he went into subjection???
Beside him. At the Father's right hand. Equal. He was NOT greater than the Father as Paul simply taught:
1 Cor 15:27
Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself,
He was given ALL AUTHORITY AND POWER by the Father's permission. ALL means ALL. By the Father's permission. Christ's reward. Sit at my right hand. When all is said and done, Christ resubmits in God, as we submit IN THEM.
>>The idea that Jesus is God Almighty in 1 Corinthians 15:28 is but supposition which in effect twists the scripture to make it appear to conform to the idea that Jesus is God Almighty (or a "part" of God Almighty). I have no reason to accept this view except to please the assumption that Jesus is or is a "part" of God Almighty.<<
The only twist of scripture comes from those who deny the full diety of Christ, and those that add a third seperate diety called the Holy Spirit.
>>Whenever the Scriptures use the word “God” in the sense of Supreme Deity, they refer to the Father alone.<<
Which is why all you intellectual types have to try and undermine with smoke screens and mirrors the very simplicity of a simple truth taught in John 1:1, that Christ is in fact diety. The Word is God. The Word is Christ. Christ is the Light of the world. God is light.
>>Thus in prayer Jesus calls his Father “the only true God,” excluding himself (John 17:3)<<
Which he would because when Christ was praying to his Father, Christ was 100% man, surrending his diety in heaven to humble himself even down into death. Christ was NOT God when he was a man. He was 100% man. So the prayer of Christ is true, as a man praying to God.
>>The Bible, in fact, refers to the Heavenly Father as Jesus’ God (John 20:17).<<
In fact I have no problem with the Father being Jesus "God" at the time he was a man for that very reason. CHRIST WAS A MAN THEN.
>>The Apostle Paul, contrasting the Christian position with the heathen worship of many gods, states that “to us there is but one God, the Father,” although he attributes to Jesus a lesser position of Lordship (1 Corinthians 8:6). For despite his present high position of exaltation and divine favor, our Lord Jesus is inferior to the Father and eternally subject to him, as the Apostle expressly states:<<
There is NO inferiority in Christ in ANY WAY. You show me ANYWHERE in the Bible, that Christ is inferior. That is a false teaching. Those that claim Christ to be inferior in any way to the Father DO NOT HONOR CHRIST AS THEY DO THE FATHER WHICH CHRIST PLAINLY STATED we to do IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE.
You who call Christ inferior and do not show him the VERY SAME HONOR as the Father shall have to answer for that DISHONOR you have blatantly exhibited. Christ is God in subjection to God the Father. And there is only one God, the Father. As there is only one God in subjection to the Father, Christ.
>>But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. — 1 Corinthians 11:3.<<
The head of woman is man. Woman is man. The head of Christ is God. Christ is God. Woman can be considered the "body" of man. In image and likeness, Christ can be considered the "body" of God. If there is a head, there is a body. The body is of the same stuff as the head. The Father sacrificed HIS "BODY" FOR US. That "body" became OUR body.
>>Bible Students do not deny, but rejoice to affirm, that Jesus Christ is a divine being, worthy of our worship and adoration.<<
Only God is worshipped. Are you saying to worship something other than God if you do not believe Christ to be a part of God? You just undermined yourself.
>>The appellation “God” may be properly ascribed to him.<<
Christ is God as woman is man. Simple to those who wish to see.
>>But even while the Scriptures refer to Jesus as a “God,” they do so in contexts showing his distinct inferiority to the Father.<<
Again, you place yourself in the deepest pit of dishonoring the Son. There is NO INFERIORITY in Christ. Christ is the God in SUBJECTION.
>>And notice that it is not simply Jesus as a man, but Jesus as a “God” who is thus shown to be subordinate. — Hebrews 1:1-9<<
There is the truth my friend. The subordinate God to the HEAD God. Christ is of the same GOD STUFF as the Father. They exist in the EXACT SAME NATURE. You do well to worship and honor him as such, THE SAME AS YOU WORSHIP AND HONOR the Father. Honor THEM as you would honor you OWN PARENTS. TWO.
In physics, when two seperate beams of light converge on each other, they are not additive, they combine.
So, with light, 1+1 does NOT equal 2, rather:
God is light.