Pom siad: Out of every single discipline of the sciences that freely uses probability mathematics to bring order by average out of the seemingly chaotic, only evolution is to be excused from the scrutinous eye of the Law of numbers?
You ask: Did I say that?
No I said that. You said this:
the futility of using probability arguments about something as complicated as evolution
You claim probability mathematics to be futile against the complications of evolution. Poppycock. That's exactly what probability mathematics is for. Things complicated. Yet you want to excuse the complications of evolution from mathematics. That can't be done by an honest researcher. Probabilites are a reality in all disciplines of science, because of complications.
The fact is that no one can prove whether God exists or not.
Fact is, I'm not out to prove God exists, I'm out to question evolutions validity by way of accpeted scientific analysis, which probability mathematics is one valid method.
Assuming you were once a JW, like most of us on this board, you have not left off this most distinguishing characteristic of a cultist.
What would that be? Believing in God? I think you know not the definition of cult.
But when challenged, they, like you in this thread, avoid direct, clear argument.It seems to me I'm presenting clear scientific arguement. It is you that has nothing but opinion behind your statements. Stick to the science can you?