Exactly. Lose/Lose.
JoinedPosts by pomegranate
Some times in life, it just rains.
by kenpodragon inthis last june my wife and i were invited to a close friends wedding.
june it a normally a hot month in our area, with blue skies and temperature in the mid nineties.
it is not unusual for people to plan outdoor weddings, and take advantage of our nice summer climate.
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
I said that "religious belief" has impeded scientific progress and still does.
The list of scientists overrules your OPINION which has no validity.
One need only consider the Catholic Church's persecution of pioneers in celestial mechanics,
The pioneers of celestial mechanics were believers in God and the Bible. I believe your problem is lumping believers in with the Catholic Church.
Most of the early scientists that were cutting edge were defiant of the church, as history plainly shows. NOW. If you said the CATHOLIC CHURCH had impeded scientific progress, then you would be speaking the truth. Believers in God and the Bible set scientific milestones.
The people you cited may have believed in God but progress was slowed down in many fields by the necessity to reconcile scientific findings with preconceived notions about the universe.
Which came from the CATHOLIC CHURCH. Most scientists were rebels of the church yet retained their beliefs. God and science do go together and do progress, as the list plainly shows.Certainty about the universe is thevery antithesis of the scientific method. Geology could not have developed without the absolute rejection of the idea of a global flood.
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
Look. To blanket everyone that is religious or believes in God as stymying scientific progress is clueless as to the facts.
In another thread, I posted a list of some of the men of science who were either reigious or believers in God. Did you know that all the major disciplines of science were founded by men who believed? So, if this is in fact TRUE, which the facts can surely be found that it is indeed, then your statement is in fact, pure cow pucky.
Facts for you:
Scientific Disciplines Established By Bible-Believing Scientists
Discipline Scientist Antiseptic Surgery Joseph Lister (1827-1912) Bacteriology Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Calculus Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Celestial Mechanics Johann Kepler (1571-1630) Chemistry Robert Boyle (1627-1691) Comparative Anatomy Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) Computer Science Charles Babbage (1792-1871) Dimensional Analysis Lord Rayleigh (1842-1919) Dynamics Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Electrodynamics James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) Electromagnetics Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Electronics Ambrose Fleming (1849-1945) Energetics Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) Entomology of Living Insects Henri Fabre (1823-1915) Field Theory Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Galactic Astronomy William Herschel (1738-1822) Gas Dynamics Robert Boyle (1627-1691) Genetics Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) Glacial Geology Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) Gynecology James Simpson (1811-1870) Hydraulics Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Hydrography Matthew Maury (1806-1873) Hydrostatics Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Ichthyology Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) Isotopic Chemistry William Ramsay (1852-1916) Model Analysis Lord Rayleigh (1842-1919) Natural History John Ray (1627-1705) Non-Euclidean Geometry Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) Oceanography Matthew Maury (1806-1873) Optical Mineralogy David Brewster (1781-1868) Paleontology John Woodward (1665-1728) Pathology Rudolph Virchow (1821-1902) Physical Astronomy Johann Kepler (1571-1630) Reversible Thermodynamics James Joule (1818-1889) Statistical Thermodynamics James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) Stratigraphy Nicholas Steno (1631-1686) Systematic Biology Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) Thermodynamics Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) Thermokinetics Humphrey Davy (1778-1829) Vertebrate Paleontology Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) -
Would you live in the book, The Exorcist?
by Tatiana inif you could live in the world of any book, which book would you choose and why?
i have a reason for asking this...... .
How y'all been!!! How's everything going? Did your son recover OK?? I believe that was around the last time we chit chatted...I think your email went bad on me er sumthin...can't remember.
Hmmm..book? I remember when I was a kid, I read this book called My Side of the Mountain...that would prolly be it.
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
the relevance of the specific remark you quoted is that religious "belief" has been notorious for holding back scientific progress. That has been the case for centuries - and it still is.
That's pure bovine meadow muffins.
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
Why did he make fleas to torment dogs and other animals as well as transmit bubonic plague to humans? Why mosquitoes to transmit disease? Why poisonous snakes and spiders? Why so much cruelity in nature, and other things like lightening, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes?
I believe God created the physical world to mirror the condition the spiritual world was in when he began creating the physical things. Good and Bad.
For instance: cute little doggie = Good/Domestic mirrors Good/Angel. Big bad wolf = Bad/Wild/ mirrors Bad/Demon.
No one can deny if God created everything, He PURPOSELY created a world filled with good and bad.How bout those blood sucking parasitic ticks? Hmmm. Image and likeness of Bad spirits?
Good. Bad. Good. Bad...God creates BAD and calls it GOOD? Yup. Mosquitoes GOOD? They bite, they suck, they itch they SPREAD CONTAMINATION. Hmmm. Image and likeness of Bad spirits? Me thinks so.
I believe when God created the physical, the spiritual was already in a major revolt. Satan started spreading the "poison" in heaven, the "plague", the "disease" and it spread like LEAVEN. Contamination. God created things that cause contamination, in the image and likeness of the world he was thrust into by the Adverasry.
If he was going to be tormented and bugged, so would ALL of creation.
Of course, until He says it's time to squash "the bugs."
Would you live in the book, The Exorcist?
by Tatiana inif you could live in the world of any book, which book would you choose and why?
i have a reason for asking this...... .
Heyyyyyy! I know you!
Humour on this site
by Pleasuredome in.
i'm quite new here and i have to say that i've really enjoyed reading all your posts and the humour you guys show is just brilliant!!
i know that i'm guaranteed a laugh every time i come here.. cheers!
4th Generation Witnesses and Maybe more ?
by out4good3 injust read a thread about a guy being a forth generation witness and a question came to mind.
how is it that jw's can rationalize the end being always "just around the corner" when there is soon to be 4th, 5th, and maybe 6th generation witnesses?
just how is it that the previous generations can continue to follow so blindly after one failed prediction after another of never getting old in this "system of things"?.
I've been told three lefts make a right. (Think about it. )