The man who lobs insults is the man that can't debate.
JoinedPosts by pomegranate
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
So it's OK for you to insult people like Francois but you don't like being insulted yourself.
Mr Ged, me and Frank have tallied back and forth at times in jest...what I said to him was NOT an insult and if you read his post, his reply was a jest right back and he took it exactly as I dealt it. Tell tale sign? The tongue out smiley at the end of his post. I mean, I'm quite sure that's Frank's to chime in Frank?
You have yet to demonstrate that the individuals you named did their work _because_ they believed in God; perhaps they believed in God simply because, at that time, pretty much everyone believed in God. Nor did you tell me what you know about Mr. Kelvin and his estimates for the age of the Earth.
I don't have to demonstrate ANYTHING. I posted those individuals who are known for their integrity to science and their highly qualified credentials while at the same time believing in God.
Who gives a crap about what Kelvin hypothesised? Every single one of those men were wrong in something, and their scientific disciplines were ALL further refined and defined by their post understudies.
However, the original question I raised is whether Geology (note the capital G - that means the modern scientific field of Geology) is consistent with a Noachian Flood. I argued that the modern field of Geology is absolutely inconsistent with the idea of a flood. And it is. You have presented a list of names of people who have degrees in geology perhaps, and who have written scientific papers, and, who, you claim believe in a flood or at least Creation.
Please note, my area of pertinent interest is NOT Geology. I really have NO interest in that science at all. I asked if you would like well qualified individuals that I knew of who were Geologists and Bible believers and I did so. Each and every one of them can be researched as they are not just CHUMPS. Geology is no different than any other science. There are believers and unbelievers. Simple.
Very nice but absolutely dishonest (or stupid - you take your pick) - now your task is to produce papers written by these people in professional Geology publications that make the case for the flood - or which base their conclusions on the idea of a Noachain flood about 4000 years ago.
Right. That's YOUR task. I have no reason to defend my position to the likes of you. You have more than aptly shown what type of a debater you, I gave you the names, you do the homework.
Only if you can do that can you establish that the modern field of Geology considers the flood to be a credible possibility. Otherwise all you have shown is that some people can get degrees in a field and still not understand that field - and we all know that.
Your what I call a blah blah blah.
For example, I know personally an organic chemist who writes for one of the Creationist outfits. One of the people you cite works for the Geoscience Research Institute - a well known Creationist outfit that has zero scientific credibility. Another is at Bryan College which is Christian college.
More blah blah blah. Words of slight and defaming with NOTHING to back them up.
To argue that these people are part of the scientific field of Geology is nonsensical.
Oh, just because YOU say so. Oh shit, the doctor has spoken.
Actually you are making a very common logical mistake - the resort to authority - except those you resort to have no credibility in Geology.
Oh sure, make up something AFTER I come up with the goods. Funny you didn't have that answer BEFORE I listed the names. Actually, I believe it is you that is dodging the bullet of embarrassment.
Of cousre, you'll argue that mainstream Geology is miseld.
Now he can even say what I'm going to say before I say it. As I said before, I couldn't care less about Geology. So me argiung the gory details is moot.
Well, whether it is or it isn't, mainstream Geology is the scientific field of Geology and it rejects the flood.
Some Geologists do and some don't. You choose one, I choose the other, Big deal.
Totally and unequivocally. It is only your distance from even the semblance of educated thought that make syou unable to distinguish between having a PhD and being credible. That isn't an insult by the way.
No it's a blatant lie. So you're a liar now. Doesn't surprise me at all.
You have demonstrated precisely nothing and you still haven't told me how Jangaroos got to Australia.
New species?
Edited by - pomegranate on 23 October 2002 20:14:19
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
The whole physical world is one big symbolic metaphor of the spiritual world.
As in heaven so on earth.
That's what I believe.
I was having a tiny bit of respect for your posts until I read this.
Sure you were.
He purposely filled a world with good and bad?
Then piss on your God whoever he is. You are one sick puppy.
Let's see. He purposely created you to create crap that you must excrete. And you do. You have no choice but to create WASTE. Stinky smelly WASTE. Is crap "good" gumby? Go ahead, tell me crap is good. God created YOU do generate it. And urine too. Is urine GOOD gumby?
He created you to have PAIN. Is pain GOOD gumby?
He created you to HUNGER for food. Is that Good?
He created YOU a slave to your body. You are NOTHING but an addict to the whim of the flesh. Is that Good?
It is ALL good and bad...just as everthing God has made.
Yet, God said it was all VERY GOOD, even though there was "BAD" from the physical point of view.
Would you live in the book, The Exorcist?
by Tatiana inif you could live in the world of any book, which book would you choose and why?
i have a reason for asking this...... .
Pom.....I think that was the last time. I've been offline for a while. No computer. My hardrive crashed. I'm using my son's right now, but only for a day or two. I told Xena I'd give up TV, food, my phone, and other things for a brand new computer.
Wow...I was wondering what the heck happened...good to have you in a thread again. errrr well at least me in your thread!!
Anyway, my son is doing fine. The bullet is still in, and is moving around, but he's ok. How is your son? And the rest of the family? I've missed your music.
That's great...that was one horrible thing to have to deal with. Jesse is doing great too. He is staying fairly healthy and his disease seems to be subdued for now...the longer the better of course. He just went to college... So, he really needs to be careful. The rest of the fam is doing fine. Two are dealing with colds, but we can't complain. My latest music project is being pressed. I hope to have the first load of CD's soon...Hopefully we can still be in contact, I'll send ya a present!!
Didn't they make a movie of the book you mentioned?
Yeah they did. But I hated it. It was nothing like the book.... -
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
I'm really lookin forward to the big icing up. I bring a fifth of JD in my back pocket for times just like those....
<<brought to you by the Evelyn Wood speed reading course><
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
Gedanken, is a few...there's plenty more:
Steven A. Austin
- Geologist
- Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University, doctoral dissertation on coal formation
- M.S. in geology from San Jose State University
- B.S. in geology from the University of Washington
- Consulting geologist for government and industry
- Member: Geological Society of America
- Member: American Association of Petroleum Geologists
- Member: the Society for Sedimentary Geology
- Member: the International Association of Sedimentologists
- Author of numerous papers including publication in the peer-reviewed journal International Geology Review (1999)
- Chairman of the Geology Department, Institute
Arthur V. Chadwick
- Creationist
- Biologist and Geologist
- Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from University of Miami (1969)
- Professor of Biology and Geology at Southwestern Adventist College, Keene, Texas
- Web site:
- Appeared in the motion picture, The Fossil Record
Elaine Kennedy
- Creationist
- Ph.D. in geology from the University of Southern California
- M.S. in geology from Loma Linda University
- B.S. in geology from Phillips University
- B.S. in teaching sciences from Phillips University
- Research scientist at the Geoscience Research Institute
John Morris
- Creationist
- Geological engineering
- Ph.D. and M.S. in geological engineering from the University of Oklahoma (1980 and 1977)
- B.S. in civil engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1969)
- Former research assistant at Oklahoma University (1978-1980)
- Former assistant professor at Oklahoma University (1980-1984)
- Member: American Association of Petroleum Geologists
- Member: Society of Petroleum Engineers
- Department of Health, Education & Welfare Mining and Mineral Fuels Fellowship
- Phillips Petroleum Graduate Fellowship
- Oklahoma Mining & Minerals Research Institute Research Grant
- Sun Oil Teaching Award (1980, 1981)
Andrew Snelling
- Creationist
- Geology
- Ph.D. in geology from the University of Sydney
- B.S. (hons) with first class honors in geology from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
- Former editor of Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal in Australia
- Author of numerous technical papers dealing with origins and radioactive dating problems
Ker C. Thomson
- Creationist
- Geophysics
- D.Sc. in geophysics from the Colorado School of Mines
- B.A. in physics and geology from the University of British Columbia, Canada
- Author of numerous technical papers
- Former professor of geophysics at Baylor University
- Former professor of science at Bryan College
- Former director of the U.S. Air Force Terrestrial Sciences Laboratory
Kurt P. Wise
- Creationist
- Geology
- Ph.D. and M.A. in geology from Harvard University
- B.A. with honors in geophysical sciences from the University of Chicago
- Former student of Professor Stephen Jay Gould
- Author of numerous papers regarding origins
- Member: Geological Society of America
- Director of Center for Origins Research and Education (CORE) at Bryan College, Dayton, Tennessee, U.S.A.
You have only demonstrated that people who believed in God could make scientific progress - that does not mean they did it because of their belief in God. No more than a fundamentalist auto worker can build a car because he believes in God. The evidence is overwhelming - as your own behavior demonstrates - that religious beliefs tends to impede an objective examination of the facts which impedes progress in science.
YOUR claim was faith in God and the Bible caused retardation of scientific progress, I PROVED YOU ABSOLUTLEY 100% WRONG.
That ill-result was from the CHURCH, of which MOST scientists flatly DISAGREED with. My behavior has done nothing except to prove you WRONG and you are desperately trying to wiggle your way out of being WRONG by the obvious INSULTS that losers like you ALWAYS turn to when their put in the corner. Insults are thrown by LOSERS.Done.
Your insults make you look like a very imature little boy, did I tell you that already? Oh yeah. I did.
Edited by - pomegranate on 23 October 2002 19:26:26
Everyone, please welcome buster to the board
by Jesika ini know him from silentlambs and now he is here.
i just wanted to welcome him here.. .
welcome buster!!!!!!!!!!
Yo Buster...we DEFINITELY know LOTS of the same people...
Joe and Vinny (brothers)
Tim, Tom and Rita (twins, sister)
Jeff, April (Husband/Wife)
Full name here: Presott Adams etc etcJudy S...Gary, Mike, Danielle
Proctor (bunch o girls and a Frank)I'm sure there's more...
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
That isn't the issue. The issue is believers in God (whether Alah, Buddah, Jehovah or Harold Burbone) are supposed to have been a detriment to the sciences. Facts show otherwise.
Ps. Some of the list I posted are Jews.
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
The Catholic Church is simply one example of the religious mindset which you are now demonstrating - thatis, an a priori determination of how the universe is, rather than one based on observation. Modern Geology absolutely rejects the idea of a Noachian flood. So your "Untrue" statement is idiotic. Modern Geology cannot and could not exist if the flood account were taken literally - nor, by the way can modern day celestial mechanics, and even Newton's laws of motion be reconciled with the flood account.
There are modern geologists that agree with a global flood. Would you like me to list some of them for you with their credentials?
Celestial mechanics developed because people made observations of the actual universe that eventually led to strongly held - and Biblical teachings such as a flat Earth - being rejected. The same thing has happened with evolution, and, incidentally the fact that the Solar System is chaotic. All of these ideas have steadily been opposed by ignorant "true believers" such as yourself.
The Bible teaches no such thing as a flat earth. Calling me ignorant makes you less believable.
Philosophically, in rejecting the physical evidence for evolution you are behaving in exactly the same was as the Catholic Church did.
You have no idea what I believe. The physical evidence in no way supports a transitory developement of life.
Emotionally you are unable to deal with reality.
Whoa!!! Nicely crafted insults you're lobbing there big guy!! Does it make you feel right?
Edited by - pomegranate on 23 October 2002 17:39:57
Creation: The big and the small of it
by Zechariah inmore than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
Wait a second Frank. You either misread or are misunderstading. I WHOLEY say the Catholic church was a stymy for scientific progress. Go re-read what I wrote.
We're not talking about religious men of science who discovered things here, we're talking about the CHURCH itself. You're mixing apples and oranges.
No, you are not reading correctly. I say PLAINLY as in my previous post Catholicism was a deterrant to scientific progress.
Frankly I think you should be able to argue your points absent making foolish and obvious mistakes about the role of the church.
You better go back to school and take some reading comprehension tests.
Edited by - pomegranate on 23 October 2002 17:31:9