since we started the war anyways right??Yeah, in way YOU did.
JoinedPosts by pomegranate
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
Zyklon B to treat Typhus?
Zyklon B killed the lice that would was the cause of typhus. THAT IS WHAT ZYKLON B was manufactured for. Go find the manufacturers data sheet.
PS. It was CLOTHING that was put into the chambers NOT people.
And whats this crap about cutting off all the food into Germany???
Here's your crap, eat hearty now:
United States:
"Deliberate policy of mass starvation"Senator Homer E. Capeheart of Indiana in an address before the United States Senate on February 5, 1946.
"The fact can no longer be suppressed, namely, the fact that it has been and continues to be, the deliberate policy of a confidential and conspirational clique within the policy-making circles of this government to draw and quarter a nation now reduced to abject misery.
In this process this clique, like a pack of hyenas struggling over the bloody entrails of a corpse, and inspired by a sadistic and fanatical hatred, are determined to destroy the German nation and the German people, no matter what the consequences.
At Potsdam the representatives of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics solemnly signed the following declaration of principles and purposes:
"It is not the intention of the Allies to destroy or enslave the German people."
Mr. President, the cynical and savage repudiation of these solemn declarations which has resulted in a major catastrophe, cannot be explained in terms of ignorance or incompetence. This repudiation, not only of the Potsdam Declaration, but also of every law of God and men, has been deliberately engineered with such a malevolent cunning, and with such diabolical skill, that the American people themselves have been caught in an international death trap.
For nine months now this administration has been carrying on a deliberate policy of mass starvation without any distinction between the innocent and the helpless and guilty alike.
The first issue has been and continues to be purely humanitarian. This vicious clique within this administration that has been responsible for the policies and practices which have made a madhouse of central Europe has not only betrayed our American principles, but they have betrayed the Gis who have suffered and died, and they continue to betray the American Gis who have to continue their dirty work for them.
The second issue that is involved is the effect this tragedy in Germany has already has already had on the other European countries. Those who have been responsible for this deliberate destruction of the German state and this criminal mass starvation of the German people have been so zealous in their hatred that all other interests and concerns have been subordinated to this one obsession of revenge. In order to accomplish this it mattered not if the liberated countries in Europe suffered and starved. To this point this clique of conspirators have addressed themselves: "Germany is to be destroyed. What happens to other countries of Europe in the process is of secondary importance."
(Ralph Franklin Keeling, Gruesome Harvest: The Allies Postwar War Against the German People, Institute of American Economics (Chicago) 1947, p. 75-76)
Edited by - pomegranate on 19 November 2002 18:0:32
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
I don't know whether 5 or 6 million really died. In a way, it doesn't matter.
Yeah it does matter. Because if something isn't true IT'S A LIE. If a lie has been fabricated, then SOMEBODY IS BENEFITTING from that lie. Lie's are told to benefit the source of the lie. It's ALL ABOUT MONEY.
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
Where are all the pictures of the starving German soldiers who guarded the camp? Looks like the German soldiers in each picture look pretty healthy to me.
Duh. Food in storage goes to prison personel, food in storage does NOT go to prisoners.
And what if you're right, that most of these people died from disease and not the gas chamber? Is it any less of a crime to imprison a group of people and let them die of starvation and disease?
Typhus was being treated by Zyklon, food shortage didn't become an issue till the end of the war. Cutting off ALL food into Germany was OFFICIAL USA policy. Go read history. And other threads where it is proven already. -
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
You're right.......It's probably another Nazi he's ready to shoot..........gimme a break.
You think only Jews were shot by Nazi's in this fashion? You think only Jews were dumped into ditches by Nazi's in this fashion? I ask again, by this photo ALONE, can you conclusively say that the one being shot is a Jew?
You're bloody ignorant, and you have NO CLUE that this is a Jew. You have been show this picture and TOLD "this is a Jew" and you accept it WITHOUT proof or substantiation.
You don't deserve a break.
Edited by - pomegranate on 19 November 2002 16:52:9
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
This should also make you wonder about just who is actually in charge of those governments and what those people know about the reality of the holocaust. You might ask yourself what they have gained by the lie they have promoted for fifty years (Authors note: If you doubt what I have just written, you need to do some of your own research. I suggest you start with Wilhelm Staeglichs outstanding book, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, ISBN No. 0-939484-22-1. The second investigation you need to make is concerning who actually paid for Hitlers rise to power in Germany. A hint: who controls the sources of money in Europe and in America?)
Who controls our media?
George Washington, writing to Edmund Pendleton in 1795, spoke on the effects of propaganda:"It is well known that when one side only of a story is heard and often repeated, the human mind becomes impressed with it insensibly."
Bertrand Russell, philosopher, educator and self-styled atheist wrote this:
"I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology. Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda ...Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class (Elite). The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated."
Bertrand Russell was privy to information on means of propaganda that George Washington could never have dreamed of, so he was -- understandably enough -- a bit more insightful than Washington could possibly have been. Russell realized that the common people could never be permitted to know the sources from which their brainwashing came. He foresaw the power of the modern media, and he was able to see who in America would usurp and hold a stranglehold on the power of the media for their own benefit. Now tell me, do you still feel like sitting down to enjoy a few hours of the rich mans harmless TV?
"Truth will prevail. Truth will ultimately prevail where there [are] pains taken to bring it to light." (Authors note: George Washington wrote this to Charles Mynn Thurston in 1794). - David Gould
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
It is extremely important to understand something here. The truth stands alone. Truth never needs reinforcing, endless repeating, or justification by a law. Whenever you see a government enact a law in order to bring out the truth, you can be assured that you are witnessing a lie. One of the prime examples of this would be the laws in Canada, Australia and Europe, which make it a crime for anyone to question the facts about the so-called holocaust. If many of the holocaust facts were not fabrications to begin with, no law would be necessary in order to stop people from questioning them. - David Gould
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
Why you believe what you believe
Experts on the human mind say that humans are convinced to believe things for four principal reasons:
- You tend to believe most strongly that which you hear first.
- If you change, it will most likely be to that which you hear repeated many times.
- You next tend to believe that which you want to believe or that which fits your already pre-conceived ideas or notions.
- Lastly, humans are least likely to believe that which is logical and makes sense, especially if it contradicts what they hear most!
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
A Nazi is holding a gun to a Jew's head
How do you KNOW that it is a Jew?
Edited by - pomegranate on 19 November 2002 15:17:53
be it illegal to deny the holocaust?
by comforter ini hard something about this law about the holocaust?
aint it illegal to deny the holocaust in the united states government?
Pacifism, like Communism, sounds great on paper but it doesnt work. All it takes is one non-pacifist to mess the whole thing up. War is part of almost every culture. Be it Islam, Christian, Norse, or Tribal. Even GOD himself is not a Pacifist! Look how many people He has killed!! Defending my beliefs and protecting my people is not War Mongering. Would you have shot Hitler or Mousilini if you had the chance? What about Stalin
TRUTHFULLY, pacifism works great IN PRACTICE. PACIFISTS can't mess anything up because they do not get invvolved with anything that is messed up or could get messed up (including false religion). Pacifists are very discernful people and recognize a bomb even BEFORE the fuse can is lit. And they walk away...
War is an ILLEGAL process of men who want power, killing men who want power, by their own whims and fancies for their OWN POWER AGENDAS secret or otherwise, with the facade of pushing it as being OK by their own brand of propaganda and feeling JUSTIFIED to those SUBJECTED to them to do the killing, bound in subjection to the men who crave POWER and WHO DEMAND and EXPECT full control OVER THEIR SUBJECTS. So MEN KILL WILLINGLY thinking "this is GOOD." WRONG.
Christ TAUGHT pure pacifism for ALL mankind, because only GOD can be JUSTIFIABLY ACTIVE in condemning men to death for what ever fashion and reason HE SEES FITS by HIS standards of JUSTICE, which are perfect.
Any man that takes another man's life is MURDER. Even in self defense, it is STILL MURDER.
There is only ONE that can take a life and it NOT be murder, that being God alone. Because ONLY HE can make that life out of NOTHING, and if it be his will to take down that life, and ONLY HE CAN BRING BACK TO LIFE THAT WHICH HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN.
God can take a life and it NOT be murder, because HE HAS THE POWER to turn life ON AND OFF like a light switch.
No man will ever have that power. Yet they KILL.
They will ALL pay if God judges them to do so...I, I will remain as Christ taught, IN PRACTICE, as best as my imperfect human body can perform...that is all this man can do.
Edited by - pomegranate on 19 November 2002 13:14:36