Don't forget your goggles.
We rightly call out the GB for their bullshit.
We need to call out the shit that doesn't make sense,with ALL so called authority.......the reason it doesn't make because it's all nonsense.
Blind obedience to a perceived authority is what's walking us off this cliff.
We've been conditioned to "trust the experts" just as JW's are told trust the GB and elders.
They are using our emotions also.....getting out old military establishment guys.......making them out to be a hero.......(don't mention giving them a holiday to Barbados while everybody else is stuck at home....brush brush)......getting us all to clap for care workers and the NHS......
All the while......we stand idly by and let our businesses get flushed down the cant attend a loved ones funeral.....cant visit family.....
People are obedient to their abusers to the very end though........ever watched footage of Jewish people about to get killed by the Nazis?
And the Nazis tell them to run to the edge of the ditch to get shot?.....and they DO all run......obedient sheep to the DEATH!
The whole world right now is a massive cult.........full of virtual signalling,shit scared,order followers.
And if they ever told those order followers that the problem is the non-compliant....or the anti-vaxxers (they are the ones stopping us from getting back to normal).....they could get those folks to turn on them in a minute.....just as our closest family members turned on us once we started questioning the cult.