He still appears to be lying about having a PR firm and
legal team because going off the letters people got, the reality doesn't
match the hype. So why do it? Maybe he believes his own lies, the
narrative he has rattling round in his head?
Lloyd has also made claims about seeing a therapist that many of his followers like to repeat. When asking these followers if they know the therapist's name, nobody knows. There is no reason to automatically trust anything Lloyd says. Nobody would demand a recording of his therapy sessions, but a name would establish credibility. This is especially true considering the damage he has done to his reputation. The same is true of his public relations firm that he has claimed to have hired. It is very telling that something isn't right based on the amateur attempt at a lawyer's letter that this man is trying to fool people or himself.
Has any of the original twelve "Warning Letter" recipients received additional information from the Karlo Novosel law firm? We are now past the ten days and many of them made some sort of attempt to contact the law office.
Also, it is strange that Lloyd went from publishing a video every couple of days to none in the past eight days. He teased a interview with two women three days ago on Twitter, which was received with lukewarm interest.