To Wally (JW Thoughts),
Your response is both measured and reasonable. I have been watching the drama of Lloyd Evans ever since he tried to steal the copyrights to Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz in 2015. I thought he might have learned from his bad choices until the confession video showed that he has not. I always knew his replies on social media made him out to be a bit of a jerk, but weaponizing his audience against Kim Silvio was the final straw for me. Here is a woman that was watching Dijana's trust being taken for granted, and being cheated on with prostitutes in who knows how many places for who knows how many years. I don't blame Kim for releasing the statement. It needed to be done.
Lloyd could have come out with a video or statement that said, "I am a deeply flawed man and I need to work on many things. Give me time and space to work on these issues." But no, in typical Lloyd Evans fashion, he tried to make Kim Silvio look bad and anyone who dared to see things her way his enemy.