I live in a city with no nickname. Nothing at all to do with cows.
I've been through the desert on a horse with no name. It felt good to be out of the rain. Sorry couldn't resist.
where do i live?.
people say: cowtown.
i say: it ain't.. i've lived in fort worth all but ten of my seventy-five years.. nobody ever asked me why fort worth is called cow town.. i would guess it is self-evident.. how many of us who live in fort worth realize those two words are gleaming with history?.
I live in a city with no nickname. Nothing at all to do with cows.
I've been through the desert on a horse with no name. It felt good to be out of the rain. Sorry couldn't resist.
where do i live?.
people say: cowtown.
i say: it ain't.. i've lived in fort worth all but ten of my seventy-five years.. nobody ever asked me why fort worth is called cow town.. i would guess it is self-evident.. how many of us who live in fort worth realize those two words are gleaming with history?.
Speaking of Cowtown, if you ever find yourself in Wichita:
where do i live?.
people say: cowtown.
i say: it ain't.. i've lived in fort worth all but ten of my seventy-five years.. nobody ever asked me why fort worth is called cow town.. i would guess it is self-evident.. how many of us who live in fort worth realize those two words are gleaming with history?.
Is that sort of like "ain't Indian"?
Pretty much. I came up with the name after seeing the Caleb and Sophia cartoon where Sophia put her ice cream money in the Watchtower donation box. Later Watchtower did a cartoon with Caleb wanting to give money from his piggy bank, but all he had was a button. I used to use the name everywhere, but now only here.
where do i live?.
people say: cowtown.
i say: it ain't.. i've lived in fort worth all but ten of my seventy-five years.. nobody ever asked me why fort worth is called cow town.. i would guess it is self-evident.. how many of us who live in fort worth realize those two words are gleaming with history?.
The cattle from Fort Worth often ended up in Abilene, Wichita, and Dodge City, Kansas. Which is were I have spent most of my life. Nice to know a little history from Fort Worth.
original reddit post (removed).
Personally I really don't see the reason why some people obsess over this. I think its a battle of the egos. As with anything if you don't like what he does don't watch.
If you are profiting on the backs of abused victims, getting invited to IICSA as some sort of authority, and profiting off of documentaries, then your off camera activities had better not include the things Lloyd has done. It would be one thing if he was only a video blogger in his basement in Croatia.
original reddit post (removed).
Sorry, but WTF? Who has photos of the governing body in gilded frames on their desk?
I have been saying this for a long time, the guy is controlled opposition. He has framed pictures of the GB, Watchtower literature behind glass, and a JW logo that is visible in every video. A few have spoken about potential hand signals and Lloyd denies the clear Freemason ties even though there is no reason to deny them.
original reddit post (removed).
Why doesn't Lloyd take his own advise on point 8? Lloyd Evans, you have people from all over the world's permission to go away and find a new way to make money. I also noticed Lloyd can't help but drag Dijana into every statement against her wishes. We can also conclude he did go to Phuket not only for the "stunning beaches" but for its sex industry. Lloyd has since admitted as much. In point 4 Lloyd talks about his words being taken out of context. Funny thing is nobody has to do that either. Finally I do not know if the 2017 "Marko" stuff is real or not, but what Lloyd has admitted to is enough to not want his involvement in IICSA or any other projects involving child abuse or sexual abuse. Add to this his 2015 attempt of copyright theft, and we see a man without ethics, morals, or decency.
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Thats because you are not an impartial arbitrator but only an advocate.
I once believed Watchtower was right about 607 until I was proved wrong. End of story.
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Not exactly. In fairness to our worthy combatant, he has maintained such a scholarly approach on this forum these past 21 years.
Ozziepost, is this the same person that got into epic discussions with AlanF all those years ago. Scholar just can't admit he has it all wrong can he/she? This person has been proved wrong over and over, but won't let it go. So sad.
how do jws resolve these conflicting facts.. 1. no matter how you spin it, bible chronology calculates to circa 4000 bc for adam's creation.
i followed the trail many years ago and that's what it adds up to.. 2. the most cursory investigation of any branch of relevant science puts man's habitation on the earth as hugely earlier than that.
it's now so well-proved that anyone disputing it is guilty of wilful ignorance.
I mean, if God wanted mankind to know the date of the creation of the first man, He could have made that much clearer in Genesis. That would've had the additional benefit of giving the whole world a basis for a starting calendar year. January 1, 1 would be the year humanity came into existence. I think it's a pretty good starting point.
(I know, I know... he wouldn't have named it January. Maybe he could have improved on the names of months, too!)
While God was at it, he could have made the earth go around the sun evenly. Instead of 365.25 days, he could have made it an even number. It is almost as if things just came to be without the direct influence of a god.