As I thought, you don't get it.
This Cedarite does, they are just too dishonest to admit it.
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As I thought, you don't get it.
This Cedarite does, they are just too dishonest to admit it.
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LMSA, I am stealing that.
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Simon, sorry for my part in derailing thread. I can't stand these people who claim to not care about Lloyd, but will come on here and lecture us for telling it like it is. The reason I called Jojorabbit a "Cedarite" is everybody that has dared to lecture us, I eventually find commenting on Lloyd's channel or social media. A prime example is "Efrain Rivera." Now for the most part I actually like the guy. He claimed be disgusted by what Lloyd did (just like Jojorabbit), but we should all ignore Lloyd and with the lack of support, he will just go away. Later I find him once again commenting on Lloyd's videos. It also wouldn't shock me if he was a patron as well. So as far as I'm concerned, Jojorabibit is no better than an open supporter of Lloyd. Wrong is wrong and if you disagree, then either don't comment or admit your support for Lloyd Evans.
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Now I wonder who is living in Jojorabbit's head? That was easier than I expected.
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Jojorabbit, thanks for providing additional entertainment. You Cedarites are all alike.
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I believe that most of the participants in this discussion want to see the story end with repentance and a “turning around” by the wrongdoer.
In the years between 2017 and 4 months ago, I would certainly agree with this statement. Since then I only want Lloyd Evans to go away and never again pretend to care about the victims of Watchtower. He has lost all credibility and his presence does more harm than good to the cause. Watchtower JW elders can use his history as an example to those doubters as to what might happen if they leave. When the truth is, Lloyd is simply a selfish jerk that got caught taking advantage of his wife's trust.
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LOL, I didn't say it, but many of us were thinking it.
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I don't really care about his personal life and he did all the damage himself by going on to YouTube and doing stupid videos trying to explain what did not need to be explained. He has a huge ego and its not even close to deserved. But as far as making videos trying to tell others how evil he is, well that is just a special kind of stupid.
It seems you care quite a bit since you keep complaining about what people say regarding Lloyd. But go ahead and keep looking like a fool by amusing me. Go ahead, I dare you. Please keep entertaining me by complaining about what I might say regarding Lloyd.
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Yet people make videos about his every move and post about him here. I guess they like having him live rent free in their head. I don't get it. This is a stupid obsession. Just leave it be for gods sake.
Why don't you take your own advise? If you don't like what we post here, don't come here. Seems to me you are obsessed with what we have to say about your Lloyd and savior.