To me an activist is simply a rebranded word for troublemaker. This goes double for climate activist.
JoinedPosts by NonCoinCollector
Kneel before me, for I am an ... Activist!
by Simon ini thought it was just me that had a negative view of people who proclaim themselves to be activists.. but no, it seems i'm not alone!.
New Light, New Light!
by BoogerMan inmore accurately known as a reversal of a long held 'truth.'.
september 2022 study watchtower - par.
14 p. 18 - "in the past, we understood jesus’ words to refer to the deeds the resurrected ones will practice after their resurrection; that is, some will come to life and practice good things while others will come to life and practice vile things.
Are people being resurrected just so they can be executed?
I would call that overkill.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a while since I've been to this thread. But, I thought they were divorcing.
The true love of money conquers all. There would have been a time I could have felt sorry for Dijana, but not any more. Hopefully the children learn from this and can live a good life when they're grown.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I do have a question regarding the "bunker," Lloyd and Tibor. Is Lloyd moving his wife, daughters, and in-laws out of the moldy house or just Tibor and him? I'm not surprised by the mold because improper building happened within the basement. You don't cover cement basement walls with absorbent materials like drywall and not expect something like that to happen.
I do think it is possible the mold discovery is a convenient way of saying he was evicted. One thing is for certain this year has been very costly to Lloyd. The multiple vacations, the apartment, a future studio, the loss of patrons, whatever he paid his lawyer for lawsuits that are going nowhere and who knows what else has absolutely impacted his plans to buy an island.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It also included so-called 'concubines,' which is another word for random woman you are not married to. As long as these women weren't married to another man, the Bible doesn't seem to have an issue.
I forgot to mention concubines. If Solomon can have 700 wives and 300 concubines, how is that not an open marriage? But then again, the bible is full of laws showing women are just property like this one.
If a man encounters a young woman, a virgin who is not engaged, takes hold of her and rapes her, and they are discovered, the man who raped her is to give the young woman’s father fifty silver shekels, and she will become his wife because he violated her. He cannot divorce her as long as he lives. - Deuteronomy 22:28-29
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I said:
”Polygamy, as practiced in ancient Israel, was not an open marriage.”Vintage, it seems you (or at least your god) supports misogyny, because I don't see a difference. How is it okay for a man to marry multiple women, but not okay for a woman to do the same? If it is okay for a woman to have multiple partners, then how is that not an open marriage? Finally, you failed to answer any of my other questions.
Quoting the bible only proves my point. Marriage was set up by religion. You have not shown that anything in Genesis 2 is historical. Second, by making a distinction between polygamy and open marriage you are saying that it is perfectly fine for a man to cheat on his wife by marrying another wife. Would this be the same God being worshiped that established one man and one woman from Genesis 2? If open marriage is a sin then why did the God of Genesis 2 decide that polygamy is not a sin? Is it possible that your God is a misogynist? Then later did that same God decide he made a mistake and change his mind by the time the New Testament came along?
So your choices are there is more than one god represented in the bible. In which case, which god said what? Or the bible's God can't make up his mind. In which case, is your no longer perfect? Or is the bible just the creation of several Mideastern men and thus just the work of a religion?
Not looking to debate you on this, (especially in a thread about a man that I wish to expose as the lying and cheating jerk that he is) but if you were honest at all, you can see how flawed your position is by using the bible. Marriage is a construct of religion and is not unique to modern Jewish and Christian faiths. Now if you would like to argue that ALL religions are equally inspired by God, then feel free to make that case. -
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Adultery as defined by the Old Testament is sleeping with another man's wife. Women are possessions (property) in the Old Testament. So are you saying it is okay if I marry another woman in addition to my wife? Also you are conveniently not answering my other questions.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Quoting the bible only proves my point. Marriage was set up by religion. You have not shown that anything in Genesis 2 is historical. Second, by making a distinction between polygamy and open marriage you are saying that it is perfectly fine for a man to cheat on his wife by marrying another wife. Would this be the same God being worshiped that established one man and one woman from Genesis 2? If open marriage is a sin then why did the God of Genesis 2 decide that polygamy is not a sin? Is it possible that your God is a misogynist? Then later did that same God decide he made a mistake and change his mind by the time the New Testament came along?
So your choices are there is more than one god represented in the bible. In which case, which god said what? Or the bible's God can't make up his mind. In which case, is your no longer perfect? Or is the bible just the creation of several Mideastern men and thus just the work of a religion?
Not looking to debate you on this, (especially in a thread about a man that I wish to expose as the lying and cheating jerk that he is) but if you were honest at all, you can see how flawed your position is by using the bible. Marriage is a construct of religion and is not unique to modern Jewish and Christian faiths. Now if you would like to argue that ALL religions are equally inspired by God, then feel free to make that case.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Do you see polygamy, as it was practiced by Israel in the Old Testament, as being an “open marriage”?
Well it sure isn't a closed marriage, now is it? As for quoting the bible, thanks for proving my point.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Scripturally, neither the husband nor the wife has the power or right to make theirs an “open marriage”. Scripturally, God created marriage, and he didn’t offer an “open marriage” option. Either marriage mate can forgive the other’s adultery and stay with that mate, but no human has the power to make adultery “not a sin”.
I'm going to disagree with you. The religions created marriage not God. Ancient Israel practiced polygamy for centuries along with any number of other civilizations. Sin is defined as a transgression against divine law, but the problem is nobody has ever been able to spell out what is and what isn't a divine law. If a couple together decide they are okay with an open marriage, then it is between them. It is not the business of any church to decide. That said, the honorable thing to do if either partner decide an open marriage isn't for them is end the marriage or remain faithful.
As for Lloyd in addition to betraying Dijana, he decided his infidelity should include using an industry that is known for trafficking women and minors. That is far more disgusting than simply being unfaithful. What makes this decision even worse is his pretending to be an advocate for the sexually abused. The man simply has no honor.