The most damning thing about this thread on Lloyds Evans is the subject line mention the name Lloyd Evans.
Equally damning are the posts mentioning Lloyd Evans by name.
If we keep on mentioning Lloyd Evans in each response by name it will eventually be number 1 in organic search results.
I may post daily about Lloyd Evans just to get the truth about him out there.
Ps Lloyd Evans you are a danger to women through your regular use of sex workers.
Does this work if I typed out his full name James Lloyd Evans? Or does this only work if I just type out Lloyd Evans? I want to be certain that the more I type out the name Lloyd Evans that it works to our advantage. Lloyd Evans deserves all of the publicity I can give him. Lloyd Evans needs exposure. No, not that kind of exposure, but rather Lloyd Evans simply needs to have news about him spread in all the inhabited Earth and then the end will come. So join me as we say his name loud and proud. Lloyd Evans... What's his name? Lloyd Evans... I can't hear you! Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans...