It might be time to clear your browser.
I can't believe there is 174 pages of Green Screen talk.
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It might be time to clear your browser.
I can't believe there is 174 pages of Green Screen talk.
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Hello Lloyd Evans, how is it going this morning? Lloyd Evans, you should see all the parody Twitter accounts about you. You are certainly within your right to block us on Twitter and make our comments invisible on YouTube. What you can't do is stop people from publishing videos and making Twitter parody accounts. You can't block those. You can't stop people from publishing the truth about you. Which do you think will do more damage in the long term to your so-called work? For instance, do you think I only have followers for XJW content? Yes Lloyd Evans, my plan is to make you infamous. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I don't care if you go by James Lloyd Evans, John Cedars, Lloyd Evans, or any other name, you can't hide what you are. And yes that voice you are hearing in your head that sounds like a south-eastern Texas accent, is me.
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Your feelings reflect my own. This is about accountability more than personality. I really could care less if Lloyd Evans is grumpy and blocks almost all responders on Twitter. I do care that he can get on important things like IICSA and claim to be an advocate for the sexually abused while engaging in illegal activities in Croatia and Thailand. I also care that the people Lloyd Evans is silencing are telling the truth. He has hurt many by his actions and instead of owning it and seeking to rectify it, he is defiant. Furthermore, I am offended that he is tried to manipulate Andrew Gold and now is using his children to try and reinvent himself as a family man.
James Lloyd Evans AKA John Cedars, you are a very bad man and in my own limited way I will continue to erode your influence on the XJW community.
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Lloyd Evans AKA John Cedars AKA James Lloyd Evans has blocked another person for saying the truth. Chris was immediately blocked after this reply.
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I agree Lloyd Evans AKA John Cedars AKA James Lloyd Evans should be ashamed to be mentioning his daughters as if he is now a "family man." Fathers that love their children don't run off to Thailand during Christmas and "date" prostitutes.
Hopefully you're right about Dijana never appearing on camera claiming Lloyd is a great dad.
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Looks like Mikey was right when he coined the term Lloydavidians. Lloyd Evans now calls his followers "Pro-Lloyders." The cult has begun.
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(Simon, I will fully understand if you delete this comment, but it is how I feel after seeing this picture. So if I type it out, I will feel better.)
If Dijana cares at all for the mental health of her two children, she should divorce Lloyd Evans and limit him to supervised visitation. Without a doubt he will shield himself with them and post pictures pretending to all of a sudden be a reformed family man. These girls will find out the truth about their father and it will be devastating. I know such decisions are tough to make, but sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do.
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Imagine trying to invoke your young child as a shield to take the heat of yourself for whoreing?
Simon you said this 11 hours ago, and then 5 hours ago Lloyd Evans appears to be doing exactly that.
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I really think we should just go total radio silence about him. Feeding the Narc is what he thrives on.
I know if we ignore him he will just keep going on destroying people and building up his tower.
But we also need to warn others. It’s such a fine line. What to do.
The only way to defeat a bully is to keep punching him in the nose. In 2017 I thought the best plan regarding Lloyd was to walk away. I even forgave that jerk and started watching his videos again. Not this time. No certainly not this time. I won't be quiet. I won't go away. I won't be watching his videos. If he goes to any neutral channels like he did with Andrew Gold, then he should know that I will be there to tell the truth about this man.
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Ironically, as Fateful Slave mentioned in his reaction video, that most of us had moved on from Lloydgate but he himself has brought it all back to the fore which is hilarious.
I think you're right. I was ready to move on and leave Lloyd alone, but the man now has my attention more than ever. It makes me wonder if any of our voices are in his head.