Also sooner or later a youtuber is gonna do a deep dive on Lloyd mark my words
Altworldy gave us a good start in his video "Explaining the Lloyd Evans Scandal (And Why it Matters)." If someone did a deep dive, it would end up being a series.
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Also sooner or later a youtuber is gonna do a deep dive on Lloyd mark my words
Altworldy gave us a good start in his video "Explaining the Lloyd Evans Scandal (And Why it Matters)." If someone did a deep dive, it would end up being a series.
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Oh Lloyd Evans AKA John Cedars, the irony of this:
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I sure hope whatever Lloyd Evans is doing, will cost him everything. That poor excuse for a man deserves to lose it all just based on what he has admitted to. If the UK police find out more, even better. Not that I am holding out much hope for the UK police investigating a very old accusation.
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He's actively trying to communicate with people that have "apparently" been the cause of a lot of grief for him.
Lloyd's Public Relations firm is not doing a very effective job.
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Spent some time looking at this. Not making any accusations, but we know where Lloyd Evans has been.
From this website the age of sexual consent in Croatia and Thailand is 15:
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It seems Lloyd Evans will answer this question with a YES.
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Lloyd is still one of the best ex jdub activists but that does say much about ex jdub activism
Like many things you have said on this forum, you're wrong. Lloyd Evans a business owner. His market is a community of vulnerable and damaged people. A large percentage of his subscribers are from the atheist community. But look at his views lately, there isn't nearly the interest in his videos that were there. Very few would ever want to be interviewed by this disgusting man. This man is a leach and an awful human being.
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Here is more on it from Lloyd.
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I also wonder why he doesn't show the whole page. Could this be another attempt at pretending he is doing something? I guess we will all know soon enough.
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I still don't see how a criminal lawsuit can succeed.