So, that’s why, even though I’m an atheist, I’m also a humanist. So, I believe in the advancement of the species, and I believe in equality and trying to make the world as loving and kind as it can possibly be.
Humanism is a term that is so loosely defined that it can mean pretty much anything. Largely it comes down to caring about the advancement of the human species. When it comes to Lloyd Evans, the only humans Lloyd Evans has been proven to care about seem to be named Lloyd Evans.
Yeah, well, I think that’s the key, is being a MORAL PERSON...
Amazing that in front of Dr. James Penton he can recognize morals, but will scream down and weaponize his audience if anybody dares to point out that hiring illegal and unregulated prostitutes while pretending to care about the sexually abused is not a moral thing to do.
Plus it’s entirely typical of the man, during interviews with people far more interesting than himself, he nevertheless dominates the conversation with his own inane ramblings.
Yes, this is very true! Dr. James Penton is a very accomplished and interesting man with a deep understanding of how Watchtower worked when he was a member. Unlike Lloyd's self-indulging books, Dr. Penton's are educational. To dominate the conversation like Lloyd did was a disservice to Dr. Penton and Lloyd's audience.