Simon, sorry for my part in derailing thread. I can't stand these people who claim to not care about Lloyd, but will come on here and lecture us for telling it like it is. The reason I called Jojorabbit a "Cedarite" is everybody that has dared to lecture us, I eventually find commenting on Lloyd's channel or social media. A prime example is "Efrain Rivera." Now for the most part I actually like the guy. He claimed be disgusted by what Lloyd did (just like Jojorabbit), but we should all ignore Lloyd and with the lack of support, he will just go away. Later I find him once again commenting on Lloyd's videos. It also wouldn't shock me if he was a patron as well. So as far as I'm concerned, Jojorabibit is no better than an open supporter of Lloyd. Wrong is wrong and if you disagree, then either don't comment or admit your support for Lloyd Evans.