Marko (not his name) was a real person. Some on here talked to him. Unfortunately he disappeared eventually.
The source is 100% reliable. It has been verified.
Look at this exchange. This is Lloyd's behaviour. He always likes to complain and to teach lessons to everyone. Because he knows more.
When it comes to "Marko" I don't like the fact that he reappeared earlier this year and disappeared once again a few weeks later. Dijana said she has no such relative. Mark O'Donnell also said "Marko" is not a relative. Now would be her chance to speak out as Lloyd has once again taken vacation without her and likely continuing his behavior as if nothing is wrong. As for the complaint messages on this speed dating site. I agree, the writing is just like something he would say. It would be very odd to fake this, which is why I think this could be Lloyd, but I just want to be sure. Lloyd is not above lying, so if he were to say this is fake, I want to have facts to back up that it is not.